The Record Keeping

The laws in the United States comprises many levels of coded and uncoded law forms that are the key component of the law in the nation’s constitution, the basis for the federal government of the united states. In this country, it is the constitution that governs sets restrictions for the law and together with the federal law the two are the ultimate law for the nation. Many changes have occurred to the federal law for the last ten years and these changes have affected all aspects of life in the states and more so, health care. This paper is intended to discuss the major changes that occurred in the last ten years and the effects of such changes on health care management, whether or not they achieve their intended function and the any present alternative that may serve the same purpose more proficiently and cost effectively.

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As of 2010 April, there was the revision of the federal regulations concerned with financial revelation by the clinical inspectors in the Food and Drugs Administration. The purpose of this law is because the FDA is concerned with the inspection of submitted clinical studies for new drugs and biological products as well as medical devices before they qualify for approval (FDA 2010). Such law dictates that the clinical officers must ensure they keep records on finance. Such records must contain full information on the interest of clinical inspectors on the marketing application submitted; there must also be entire records presentation noteworthy payments of any other form, and lastly, the entire records displaying the financial interests by the clinical officers. It is also required that the records are maintained by clinical investigators. The effect of such changes to health care is that, proper drugs will be delivered to the society at any given moment subject to the fact that the clinical inspector had no biased interests on the clinical studies submitted for marketing applications.

Another major change was in the no child left behind act where most parents and child educators in different states had complained for the lack of NCLB like inadequate counting tools for children growth in order to fulfill the adequate annual growth (Texas teachers 2008). The complaint is based on the fact that it is a requirement to have students assessed using multiple assessments rather than using one form of assessment where students will only be assessed academically and left out health wise. In the management of health care, these changes will promote the health of students as they move on with their studies and ensure that children and parents receive the right nutritional information for healthy growth based on the records available for the same.

A major significance of the health insurance is to make possible the consumer to distribute risk of health care expenses and providing them with access to medical care that may be otherwise not accessible at the time of need (Kofman and Pollitz 2006). Due to the significance attached to the human life, there have been constant changes in the insurance since the 19th century. Insurance comes with lots of benefits especially to the employed workers and in the recent past, complaints has been raised as to the minimum amount of insurance premium that is payable by the beneficiary (Kofman and Pollitz 2006). For this reason the HIPAA act of 1996 established the national minimum for specific products in insurance. This is important in the promotion of health services even among the low income earners who sometimes don’t seek medical advice for fear of financial problems.


FDA, (2010). Code of federal regulation. Retrieved from last updated on 2010

Koffman and Pollitz, K., (2006). Health insurance regulation. George Town University. USA. Retrieved from last updated on 2006

Texas teachers, (2008). Revised federal regulations. Retrieved from last updated 2008

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