The Reminiscing Session
The Reminiscing Session
The reminiscing session was on a retired nurse, who had worked for more than fifty years in our county Hospital. The topic of focus of the reminiscing session was; Psychodynamic Psychotherapy on the 80 year old woman. The essential parts of Psychodynamic therapy, involves exploratory inquiry, empathic listening, and interpretation and clarification of unconscious determinants. This therapy is applicable to both the elderly and the young individuals. However, it is imperative for therapists to acknowledge that, as people age they tend to become more psychologically and physically different from each other. For example, one 77 years old may be a prominent business person, whereas another may need tending home care.
When preparing the environment for the reminiscing session, getting a quiet room away from noise destruction get quit essential for this process. In consideration of the comfortable environment the client needs, I brought a comfortable leather seat and placed it at the middle of the room. The room was quiet since I made sure that all the curtains were intact, and the doors closed in the session. Furthermore, to avoid any destruction from friends I had to switch off the cell phone and concentrate fully with the clients.
The reminiscing session began by a brief introduction, which I made to the client about myself, starting with my names, occupation and finally marital status. Additionally, introducing the clients on the topic to be tackled during the whole session was the other step taken. As if not enough, for purposes of creating rapport with the client I allowed the woman to ask any thing she had in mind about me. Later on the reminiscing session officially began regarding the psychodynamic therapy process.
Keeping the resident focused on reminiscing depended of the question asked. This meant that the questions asked were short, precise and direct to the point. All attention focused on the main idea; hence avoidance of client’s loss of focus. Through making exploratory inquiry on the woman’s past experiences in her social life, triggered a response; keeping here interest on the main topic. Furthermore, through my emphatic listening her sharing got to flow smoothly.
The therapeutic communication skills utilized during this session were: Accepting, “I follow what you said,” which was utilized in her narration on a traumatizing experience after losing four kids in a tragic road accident. In addition, giving recognition was another technique utilized in the session. When the woman entered the room, I appreciated her beautiful golden chain, which got appreciated with a warm smile. Using broad openings was also utilized through asking her “what would you want to talk about” this made the client become open enough to pour out her pent up emotions. Additionally, offering self was utilized where I offered myself to sit a while with the client. Exploring was undertaken especially during the client’s description of her attitude towards speeding vehicles.
Seeking clarification technique was also utilized on the number of years the client spent in smoking addiction. Furthermore, using general leads through using neutral expressions to encourage continued talking by the client such as “Ummm… Iam listening” to win the clients interests in continuing with the talk. The making of observation was also inclusive especially when the client showed anguish through facial expression: “young man this driver ruined my entire life don’t you see, how a normal human being can neglect people’s lives to that extent…” Through this narration the clients anguish was expressed causing the client’s change of voice tone. As if not enough, placing the event in time or sequence was inevitable since it was imperative for the client to keep on track in narration. Giving information was part of the therapeutic communication techniques. This was done through my general introduction to the client. For example, “My name is …Iam a student nurse…”This helped the client to clear all questions about this new stranger and disclose the required information. The other technique used in the reminiscing session was attempting to translate into feelings. Through the clients proclamation of trust and dependency in God, made created an assurance that the client was relieved from the previously experienced distress. Furthermore, voicing doubt was utilized especially when the client was narrating the tragic story.
During the closer of the reminiscing session, I made concluding remarks by thanking her for the shared time, appreciating the entire talk shared. Furthermore, I gathered up my note book and closed it as I made the final remarks “Mrs. Jones, I thank you for the time we have shared together, and your honesty in sharing all your experiences, may God bless you and provide the stillness and comfort you need in your life…”.
The significant non-verbal communication occurred, was her distressful facial expression, exposed when she was explaining her anguish on her former driver’s carelessness in driving causing the death of her siblings. I responded by gently rubbing her shoulder, as well as, soothing her with comforting words such as sorry, take it easy, it is over now.
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