Theme Comparison and Contrast for “The Grapes of Wrath” and “A Modest Proposal”.
“The Grapes of wrath” is a Hollywood film version of the book by a similar name written by Pulitzer Prize winner John Steinbeck. The movie starring, Henry Fonda was directed by John Ford and produced in the year 1940. On the other hand, “A modest Proposal” is a movie directed by Jason Oshman and produced in 2009. The movie is based on the literary work of Jonathan swift. John’s literary work is a serious toned piece having its set up in the AmericanState of Oklahoma during the times ofThe great depression and financial hardship caused by droughts and changes in the agricultural industry. Whereas, Jonathan’s piece, is a satirical work presenting ironical solutions for poverty problems in Ireland during the eighteenth century. The two movies and their parent literary work centers around the main theme of poverty, oppression, social justice and the struggle to escape poverty. This essay serves to highlight and discuss the contrasts and similarities in the thematic scheme of the two stories. It also draws parallels to the case of foreign Asian immigrants to America as they seek to escape from poverty ravaged Asia in the early nineteenth century years.
The two movies have a central theme which is poverty. Around this theme the directors through the inspiration of the writers build upon other minor themes. These include oppression and exploitation both from the government and those in possession of great material wealth as well as politics. Other minor themes include social justice and family values.
The Grapes of Wrath
In “The Grapes of Wrath” Joad’s family is caught up in the depression times of the 16thcentury. The family leaves for greener pastures in California which in the real sense did not exist. When they got to California, the Joad’s family discovered that life at the camps was difficult and nothing like what they had been told. The pay for their work and living conditions are poor and deplorable. The company’s food store is very expensive and operates on a sort of monopoly (“The Grapes of wrath”, n.pag). All these factors lead to an up-rising amongst the disgruntled migrant workers. This story gives a typical picture of what immigrants had to undergo as they tried to set up life in new places where they virtually owned nothing. Asian immigrants in America in the early 70’s were faced with the same challenges or even more than those faced by the Joad’s family. The major Vietnamese immigration began in times around 1975; the immigration was propelled by more of a political and war problem rather than a poverty or economical problem. The Vietnamese for example had language barrier as one of the basic challenges to overcome. There different culture, language, religion and outlook of life made it even more difficult. The local Americans did not like them because they were strange to them and their way of life.These immigrant families were exploited in payment by the local employees because of their desperation. The local companies paid them less as they worked and charged them more when they sold to them their products. They also provided them with poor living conditions and regulated their freedom in terms the locations to stay. This gives a similar condition to the camps the Joad’s family had to live in. This kind of bias was extended to the law enforcers whereby, more than usual crimes were blamed on these immigrants. This was probably due to their poor status and inability to adequately provide for their needs.
A Modest Proposal
In A Modest Proposal we meet poverty at its worse. This time spurred not by natural calamities but, by war and poor government policies. The original Jonathan’s satirical work was meant to be a direct message to England and the rich after the war with Ireland. The production shows deplorable conditions of poverty in Ireland and proposes the solutions to these problems (“Summary, n.pag”).The solutions were meant to challenge the rich to try and live with large pauper population by giving suggestions that were not practical but, challenging for thought. The proposal given meant to have a plan whereby, the poor can sell their children to the rich as food for money. This is portrayed as a double edged solution that would reduce poverty levels as well as cut down the pauper population in Ireland.The Modest Proposal satirically shows the kind of desperation that the poor are in and the kind of problems that are facing their lives. Though, not in a direct manner, it raises the question about social injustices committed against the poor. The buying of poor peoples children in itself amounts to social injustice and other crimes. But, the challenge here is posed by the question: In which other better way could the well off have helped the poor?Actually, as they lead their pompous lives while the poor suffer they are already committing a social injustice like it would have been if they bought the pauper’s children. The exploitation that arises from the picture portrayed in this movie is characteristic of the poor Asian families including the Vietnamese that immigrated to America. These families literally sold themselves and their children to the rich for service and exploitation.
Works Cited
“The Grapes of Wrath”. The Grapes of Wrath: Film, 2010. Web. Accessed from, on 3rd May 2010.
“Summary”. A modest Proposal, 2009. Web. Accessed from, on 3rd May 2010.
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