Theories of Press

Theories of Press

Question one

One of the theories of press include authoritarian. The role of the press includes supporting actions and policies of the state.  The press is supposed to foster national unity and social solidarity. The state has the right of controlling the press for the good of the public (Mulder, A 2004). By controlling the press, it means that the press is prevented from embarrassing the government, freedom restriction of press, and repressing protest and criticism. Europe is greatly affected by this theory (Glasser, T et al 2009). The doctrine has determined the pattern of mass communication here for a long time. Almost all then countries in Europe have utilized the basic principle of authoritarian theory of press. An example of the country that are authoritarian where then government tend to limit freedom especially press freedom is Syria.

Libertarian theory

The libertarian theory is also referred to as the free press theory. This press theory rests on the idea that people are supposed to be free to publishing whatever they like. Netherlands is one country that can be said to practice libertarian press theory. Netherlands tend to accept the attacks on the policies of the government, and it is encouraged (Fourie, P 2001). There are no restrictions on exporting or importing media messages across nations. Media and journalist professionals normally have full autonomy in the media organization. In the libertarian press theory, there is no explicit connection between the press and the government. The role of the press in this country is protecting the rights of people and their liberties and informing citizens so that they can participate as citizens (Glasser, T 2009). The right of expressing oneself and publishing in Netherlands is free to every individual. This is a theory that argues for a free market place of ideas.

Question one

Globalization has several impacts on the entertainment industry. One of the impacts of globalization on the entertainment industry is that it is allowing entertainment performers to enter markets across the world. Through globalization, certain performers are allowed to become starts across the world (Roy, S 2005). It allows people who are not successful in the home countries to be famous in foreign markets. The consumers in those countries that are entertainment net exporters are at an advantage because they gain access to music and movies from countries in the world. Countries that are entertainment net importers tend to have a greater variety. However, globalization is viewed by some people as having a negative impact because it tends to threaten local stars who are replaced by entertainment from other countries. Globalization occurs through technology; therefore the technology industry has changed the entertainment industry by lowering distribution and production cost (Liu, K 2004). Through lowering of cost, it has increased worldwide demand.

One of the effects of importing programming is that it might not suit the people that it is supposed to help. It is not evident to what extent the program will affect the perception of the viewers while they are at their homeland. It is not always sure about the reaction of the people when a program is being imported. It is likely for people in the homeland to react negatively to the program that is being imported; thus, rejecting the program in their systems. Certain programs that are imported into the country may be against the culture of a certain group of people in the country. Therefore, it will receive a negative response from this group of people.

Question two

Technology is associated with the transfer of information that is meant to be manipulated in a certain way. Technology has improved the process of information exchange. It is easy to pass information from one country to the other person in a different country. Communication has been made easy as it involves the exchange of information (Osorio, J & Tatnall, A 2005). The speed and level of communication has increased due to the availability of internet. Technology has helped the government in limiting the flow of information to places. Any information that should not be received by particular people can be prevented. Technology has helped in keeping some information private and only accessible to only those people who have authority over the information (Demant, D & Stoyles, P 2003). Technology has helped in improving many business activities. It is easy for business to communicate with the public on any information that they may want them to know about their activities. The consumers are able to receive news of any new product in the market through the different means of technology.

Technology has helped in improving the way information communicate with the public when passing a particular message (Damiani et al 2008). It is easy to pass information to people through the use of technology as the information can reach more people faster. The government has taken advantage of the new technology as it provides them with direct interaction with citizens.


Carrol, J Lytras, M & Damiani, E (2008). Emerging technology and information systems for the knowledge system Springer Publishers

Demant, D & Stoyles, P (2003). Information technology Black rabbit Books

Fourie, P (2001). Media studies Juta and Company Ltd

Liu, K (2004). Globalization and cultural trends in China University of Hawaii Press

McQuail, D Christians, C & Glasser, T (2009). Normative theories of the Media University of Illinois press

Mulder, A (2004). Understanding media theory V2 Publishing

Osorio, J & Tatnall, A (2005). Information technology and educational management in the knowledge system Springer Publishers

Roy, S (2005). Globalization, ICT, and developing nations Sage Publishers

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