Time Management

 Time management is a very important skill to develop. This is essentially because the proper management of time ensures that we complete all the tasks under our jurisdiction within the allocated time period. In this regard, I recognize that by gaining effective time management skills I shall be able to see to it that all the academic projects I have are completed within the time period allocated and this shall go a along way to enhance my academic performance. It is important to recognize at this stage that I may from time to time be assigned tasks by different instractors and the only way to ensure that I complete all these tasks within the time frame allocated is to ensure I manage my time wisely. Secondly, effective time management skills shall improve the quality f my life, now and in the future. This is by essentially enabling me to attend to all the tasks that require my attention be it at school, home or elsewhere.

Table of Contents

Some of the Walden services that may come in handy as far as the enhancement of my time management skill include but are not limited to the library as well as the career support services. In the library, I may find books with tips on time management while in the case of career support services; I may seek advice on how to effectively manage my time.

Those in my personal network who may help me with this skill include my best friend as well as my personal mentor. When it comes to my best friend, I may rope him in so that he can act as a check on whether I am improving the skill while in regard to my mentor, I may seek additional tips on the aspect and nature of time management.

Social networking

Social networking is one of the skills that go a long way to enhance as well as facilitate our lives not only in the present but in the future as well. For instance, at the moment, should I encounter a problem say at home with the electronics, I can always count on a friend in my social network who has done engineering. In future, I shall find this skill particularly vital as it is increasingly critical to build a pool of friends who can be counted on in times of need or otherwise. A social network also goes a long way to facilitate job seeking, sourcing clients incase of a business as well as a wide range of other ventures.

To further enhance this skill, I shall utilize a number of Walden facilities including but not in any way limited to the Walden social Community as well as the career support services. The Walden social community can hence me build my social networking skills by use of referrals while the career support services can help me build my social networking skills mainly through the advancement of the specific tools required to enhance my skill.It is important to note that those in my personal network who may come in handy as far as this skill is concerned include my personal mentor as well as my father. These people can help me in two main ways, that is, offering the tips on how to enhance my social networking and secondly, offering linkages to their personal networks.

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