Transporting Evidence

Transporting Evidence
Preparing equipment for transport is one of the core aspects that should be considered by transporter. Storing digital evidence requires extensive care in order to prevent damage of electronic evidence. Digital evidence is sensitive to magnetic fields thus it should be stored in the right manner. When documenting evidence, responder should be cautious of things such as temperature, static electricity, physical shock, and magnetic fields among others. Below is an analysis of few steps that should be taken when preparing equipment for transport.
Transporting Evidence


The first step when preparing equipment for transportation is to label, marking, and recording of equipment. The equipment that contains evidence should be labeled well in order distinguish it from other equipments. If the equipment has some connections or devices that are connected to it they should be labeled well in order to easy the process of configuring the equipment. Focus should be developed in the process of marking all devices so as to ensure that each and every device has been considered. The second most important step when preparing equipment for transportation is to determine any other form of evidence that might exist. Since there might be some evidence related to the equipment, right measures should be taken when preparing for transport. Bearing in mind that there might be several evidence present for the equipment defined steps in developing that evidence should be followed in the right manner, (Dutelle, 2011).


Digital evidence equipment should be packed in antistatic manner. Materials such as antistatic containers, envelopes, paper bags, and cardboard boxes should be used when packing digital evidence equipment. This should be done in order to provide a favorable environment for the equipment to be transported. Materials such as plastics should not be used when packing digital evidence equipment simply because they may develop conditions that affect evidence equipment. Investigators should at all times pack evidence materials in such a way that they are not affected by climate so as to prevent damage of evidence carried by the equipment. On the same hand, investigators should ensure that evidence materials are packed  free from deformation. Evidence materials should be free from bents and scratches. It is important to pack them in a way that evidence stored does not been interfered, (UN, 2009)


The next important step when preparing equipment for transporting is to tag and label all devices used in the equipment. Labels and tags should be used in order to distinguish devices that are used in configuring the equipment. If there are more than one equipment for given evidence, investigator should number all devices and systems that develop those equipments. Since evidence starts from the search, it is vital to ensure that all devices are labeled in the right manner. Materials used to store evidence should be clearly labeled and strict measures taken when storing evidence equipment. Materials such as cellular, smart phones, and mobile phones should be left in the state they were found. In preparing for equipment transportation, things such as phones should be left in the state they were found in order to prevent any alteration of evidence, (Dutelle, 2011).


Transporting Evidence, Transporting of equipment

Having collected evidence and prepared for transport, it is important to ensure that proper steps measures have been taken in order to transport equipment. When transporting, equipment should be kept away from things such as magnetic materials that might interfere with information or evidence. It should be known how effective equipment should be transported to place or need. All materials that affect or may destroy evidence material should be avoided. In order to get the right evidence investigators should always ensure that evidence equipment have been transported in the right manner, (UN, 2009).


Another important factor that should be taken care of is the duration at which evidence material is kept in a vehicle. Investigators when transporting equipment should ensure that equipments stay in a vehicle the shortest time possible. Evidence equipments should not stay for long in a vehicle in order to prevent evidence from being destroyed. There might be some vehicle conditions that may affect evidence equipment. It is wise to ensure that evidence equipments are in a place that is not humid. Investigator should ensure that evidence equipment has been transported to the lab place. Transportation should be carried by the investigator so as to ensure that the evidence provided is safe and secure, (Dutelle, 2011).


Apart from the above measures, phones, computers, and electronics should be packed in one place. They should be packed well so as to prevent their breakage. Damage of such devices is high and that is the key aspect that calls for direction. Documentation is very important in evidence transportation simply because it gives direction on what an individual should do in such a case. Chain custody of how to conducted equipment for evidence should be present.



Dutelle. A. W. (2011). An Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation: Jones & Bartlett Learning

UN. (2009). Crime Scene and Physical Evidence Awareness for Non-Forensic Personnel: United Nations Publications


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