umuc hcad660 week 1 discussion 1 and 2

Your ability to demonstrate, in discussions and in all papers, critical thought about the subject(s) is essential. To avoid debate about which model is best we will be using Bloom’s Taxonomy for this course, Demonstrating: Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation These are required. Please read the course material (grading rubric) and if you have further questions please do more research using your browser/library. Discuss: What are the pros and cons to this approach to learning about healthcare? Is this consistent with how you’ve learned in the past? Have you used other models of critical thinking? Aligning Motivations: Possible Approaches to a Better System We must create learningenvironments that letstudents draw on theinternal resources thatbrought them to college inthe first place. Asinstructors, we must focusour attention on creating anenvironment wherestudents can gainknowledge and skills incritical thinking andproblem solving in theirchosen areas of learnin diss 2 Discuss the connection and evolution between the past and the potential for the future of the US Health Care System. How has the societal changes from an Agrarian (Farming) to Industrial to Service and Information Societies enabled changes to the US Health Care System? Healthcare has evolved from the farming (Agrarian) culture of 150 years ago to the modern Information Age. Healthcare has changed with the society, the people’s expectations, technology, regulatory environment, and the socio-economic status of this nation’s citizens.

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