Weird Planets

Weird Planets

NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has recently discovered a system of planets orbiting a double star.  The research into the existence of such solar system was conducted by NASA with the assistance of spacecraft Kepler. In the past, this was a scene that was only left for the imagination of movie makers. However, the discovery by Kepler indicates that the existence of such systems of planets is indeed a reality. Researchers who discovered the new solar system has now named it Kepler-47. Kepler 47 is located 4900 light years away from the earth in a constellation known as Cygnus. Researchers at NASA used space craft Kepler to seek the planetary system and determine if systems of planets orbiting a double star exists.  Kepler spacecraft took videos and photographic images of the discovery. The images were then transmitted to the researchers who analyzed them.

The research mission demonstrated that the solar system Kepler-47 comprises of two stars orbiting one another at the center of the solar system.  One of the stars discovered is the same size as the sun. However, the amount of light is less by approximately 16%. The researcher discovered that the second star is much smaller than the sun and less than 1% bright.  Spacecraft Kepler discovered that there tow planets that were orbiting around the two stars. NASA researcher state that the discovery of this planetary system is significant as it will change the perception of the formation of the planets.  Researchers at NASA indicate that the discovery is evidence there could be similar planet systems in the space.  The findings have also made researcher inquisitive of the viability of such planets in terms of in term of habitation. Of the two planets, the inner planet, Kepler-47b, circles the two stars and makes a complete orbit in less than 50days.  The outer planet is Kepler-47c and makes a complete orbit in 303 days.

Kepler’s mission to discover other systems of planets is not relevant in any way.  I strongly believe that further research into this solar system be halted and funds redirected to other significant fields of study such as health care. The earth is viable and can sustain all human beings. Regardless of concerns that the population in earth has reached its maximum i.e. 6billion, the natural existence and selection allows for existence. The earth as it is can sustain man.  Other neighboring planets such as Venus had viability but still proved inhabitable. The search for solar systems that are thousands of kilometers away is thus futile.

Astronomers are constantly discovering planets, and this made me curious on the “weird planets’ that have been discovered. This is the reason why if chose the article on weird planets.  Prior to reading the article, I did not have any knowledge of the existence of other system of the planet. However, I was aware of the presence of other stars around the solar system.  I was also aware of the existence of other planets such as mars, Venus, and Jupiter. I was also aware that these planets have so far proven inhabitable due to their composition.  The article further confirmed the existence of several solar systems yet to be discovered. The further away the planets are to the earth, the difficult it is to find them. However, astronomers who discovered Kepler-47 believe that the planet is inhabitable. This further proves that indeed earth is the only planet that can sustain life forms.


Source: NASA science news, Sept 12, 2012

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