Work Ethics, Employee Behaviors and their Respective Consequences

Introductory Summary

            Work ethics are a set of moral standards for any profession, job or trade class. These define how workers or practitioners in that field of the profession would conduct their work in a professional and ethical manner without violating the set rules and regulations. An example would be the doctor’s onus to keep all information and medical records of his/her patients private and confidential. This is related and stems from ‘work ethic’ which is regarded as the moral obligation for people to engage in appropriate, demanding and productive work in society because work has intrinsic value (Yankelovich & Harman, 1988). On the other hand, employee behavior is the manner of conduct that an employee displays at his workplace.

Types of employee ethics

Attendance: this ethical profile shows the attendance of an individual employee and bears information on punctual/late arrivals and departures from work. It also details whether the involved worker seeks earlier in departures made before time and absenteeism.

Character: Displays trustworthiness, self-discipline/responsibility, honesty, dependability, honesty and reliability of a worker.

Appearance: this portrays the usual physical and outwardly appearance of a worker including grooming, appropriate attire, hygiene and etiquette.

Attitude this details a workers self confidence and positivistic approach on issues at the work place. It also details the realistic nature of the worker’s expectations.

Co-operation: this entails a worker’s ability to maintain positive relationships with co-workers in a mannerly behavior. It also details problem solving capability and the capacity to handle challenges and criticism.

Productivity: this entails capability to follow due procedures at work, causing no wastage, maintaining safety and delivering a right amount of goods or service in time.

Communication: This portrays an employee’s capability in mastery of verbal and non-verbal means of passing messages to co-employees.

Organizational skills: this entails skills of management and planning that are displayed by an employee. It also shows the capability of an individual to adapt to changes at the work place without getting disrupt as a result of adjustments.

Respect: this shows an employee’s attitude towards other employee’s and people in relation to the work place interactions.

Teamwork: this character is analyzed depending on how an employee is able to co-operate with fellow employees and consumers in service delivery (Dalton, 2000).

Characters portrayed by the manifestation of ethical conduct of employees

Depending on how an employee behaves or conducts him/herself ethically he/she is likely to be classed into various categories (Yankelovich & Harman, 1988. These categories include;Commanders: These are individuals who like dominating over others and maybe bossy in nature. They are overly candid and do not bother to be tact in expressing themselves in handling other employees. At times they may look rude in approach proper interaction is not their priority. Their character and approach makes them difficult to work with, and many employees avoid any association with them.Drifter: these are outgoing, care-free minded, impulsive and disorganized employees who seem very unethical to the commanders. Their impulsive nature makes them poor listeners and they pay less attention. This lot always often fails to meet deadlines and have problems with any kind of procedures and work place rules and regulations. This is one of the most difficult types of employees to manage. Their character affects and even threatens their existence at work.Attackers: These mostly get easily irritated and hostile cynics who love to keep to themselves.

They are critical of other employees and like launching personal attacks against fellow employees. They also have a tendency to feel superior and always seek someone to label for any blames.Pleasers: this kind of employees seem to be happy and in unison with everybody else at work. They are less critical of others, supportive and helpful to others. They generally like to please everyone and hide their personal opinions lest they offend another employee. They may view work associates like family. Pleasers may waste a lot of time in concern over others and thus, often place work as second priority. They can always easily get what they want from anyone at work and are in good terms with almost everyone. This type works very well in dealing with customers and clients.Performers: These are a jovial energetic lot who maybe the favorite character at the workplace. They entertain others and are always making people to laugh. They are never low and act like motivators to the rest of employees by always providing comic relief. However, performers are ever distracted and somehow never manage to handle their work load well and in time. This lot consists of people who love creating false impressions about themselves. While they go round, delivering fun they always lose precious time that could have been spent on work.Avoiders:

These are the quit and conservative individuals that are introverts in nature. They keep a lot to themselves and are literarily invisible at work. This type love working alone in secluded environs. They are able to complete their work in time but are never good team players. They seem to fear and never give personal opinions in any discussion unless asked to do so.Achievers: these are very confident individuals who are not arrogant in nature. These depend less on others and are good initiators and pioneers in ideologies. However, they consult less and may not be very good in doing teamwork.Analyticals: These are diligent and take a lot of caution in their work and handling of relationships. They are difficult to convince and tend to be analytical of everything. They are a doubtful lot that takes everything with a pinch of salt. They are ever obsessed with finer details in everything. This gives them an edge in performing their duties keenly and neatly.These categorizations depend on how a certain individual behaves at the work place and how he or she upholds the work’s ethical prescriptions. In turn, it will affect how the management and fellow employees handle and approach the individual. As a result, negative behaviors result in poor performance and association at work (Vikesland, 2002).


Dalton, M, F. (September, 2000). The Eight Classic Types of workplace Behavior. Society for Human Resource Management. HR Magazine, Gale Group.

Vikesland, G. (2002). Dealing with the Negative Employees. Viewed at,, on 10th May 2010.

Yankelovich, D. and Harman, S. (1988). Starting with the People. Orlando, FL: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers.

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