xperience in identifying evidence-based population interventions to improve health outcomes, related to chronic or communicable disease, in community settings, to familiarize students with the Request for Proposal (RFP) process used to award grant funding

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>ASU College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity.

Table of Contents

This assignment addresses Learning Outcomes: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, & 8 and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing: Baccalaureate Essentials III, VII, & IX.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the RN-BSN student with experience in identifying evidence-based population interventions to improve health outcomes, related to chronic or communicable disease, in community settings, to familiarize students with the Request for Proposal (RFP) process used to award grant funding to community based projects, and to develop a persuasive argument that supports funding for prevention activities.

Step 1
Prepare to Write the Paper:

A. Read through the fictional Request for Proposal from the Foundation for the Advancement of RN-BSN Students into Community Health Practice. The foundation is also fictional.

Foundation for the Advancement of RN-BSN Students
into Community/Public Health Practice
(A Fictional Foundation)
(A fictional request for proposals)
Our History:
The Foundation for the Advancement of RN-BSN Students into Community/Public Health Practice was formed in 2009 by a group of community/public health nurses committed to becoming advocates and philanthropic supporters of nurses originally prepared at the associate’s level, currently obtaining baccalaureate degrees in nursing, who demonstrate a desire to enter into public/community health practice. Since 2009, our Foundation has been garnering resources and is offering the first round of funding for eligible applicants.
Our Mission:
To inspire and empower Arizona State University RN- BSN students to identify and apply evidenced-based population interventions to improve health outcomes, related to chronic or communicable diseases or conditions, in community settings.

Guiding Principles:
The Foundation’s collective voice is informed by the Core Professional Values of Community/Public Health Nursing; Community/Population as Client, Prevention, Partnership, Healthy Environment, and Diversity. Our collective voice promotes interventions that recognize the inherent strengths of vulnerable populations, are evidence-based, and provided to populations in community settings. We honor the RN-BSN student’s efforts and desire to increase the health and well-being of populations living in the United States and encourage the development of multiple, differentiated approaches to preventing or mitigating the untoward outcomes of chronic or communicable diseases or conditions.
Guidelines for Grant Consideration:
Category A
The Foundation will dedicate $5,000 during this calendar year to fund ONE proposal that emphasizes primary prevention of a chronic or communicable disease or condition in a population of interest. The intervention must be delivered in a community setting.
Category B
The Foundation will dedicate $3,000 during this calendar year to fund ONE proposal that emphasizes secondary prevention in a population at risk of a chronic or communicable disease or condition. The intervention must be delivered in a community setting.
Category C
The Foundation will dedicate $2,000 during this calendar year to fund ONE proposal that emphasizes tertiary prevention in a population with a chronic or communicable disease or condition. The intervention must be delivered in a community setting.
1. Must be submitted by students currently enrolled in NUR440 at Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation.
2. Must be written in APA format and are limited to 6 pages, including the title page and reference list.
3. Must reflect the work of individual students.
4. Must address an objective from Healthy People 2020.
5. Must include a PICO (T) question.
6. Must be based on evidence. ***Levels of evidence are not required for this proposal.
7. Must build on the strengths of the selected population.
8. Must reflect the specific assignment criteria as presented in Week 4 of NUR440.
9. Must include name of key informant and agency.
10. Must be submitted in Week 7 of NUR440 by the published deadline.
11. Must use the linked template.
12. Proposals that include realistic plans for how to sustain the intervention once the funding is depleted receive priority consideration.
Please see the specific directions for writing the paper below.
Please see the rubric for the paper.
Please see the template for the paper.

B. Identify the clinical/public health issue on which you will focus, research background information and population statistics on the issue, and discuss the significance of the information and statistics:
a. Select a population of interest as described above and define it geographically.
b. To assist with selecting a chronic or communicable disease/condition, please review:
• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Chronic Disease and Health Promotion Website: http://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/index.htm,
• Chapters 30 and 13 of the Stanhope and Lancaster textbook
• The CDC website on Diseases and Conditions: http://www.cdc.gov/DiseasesConditions/
c. Identify a chronic or communicable disease/condition that potentially impacts your chosen population.

***Students may write about a population they have encountered through the course materials, including readings, web links, and videos in NUR440, or they may select to write about a population they would like to study.

***The population of interest must be geographically defined. You must indicate where the population lives.

C. Select an objective from Healthy People 2020 to address and search the literature regarding your issue:
a. Go to Healthy People 2020, http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/default.aspx , to choose a topic area and an objective to address for your specific population of interest. Select one (1) objective that impacts your population that you would like to address.
b. Develop a PICO (T) Question. See the PICO (T) examples given below. Your PICO (T) question must be different than the given examples:
c. Sample Population Based PICO (T) Questions for public health purposes:
Prevention examples
For __________________(P), does ____________(I) reduce the risk of ________________(O) compared with ______________(C) ? Time frame is not required for this PICO (T)
Primary Prevention example (Prevents)
For third-grade children (P), does teaching hand washing in the classroom (I) reduce the risk of spreading respiratory illnesses (O) compared to receiving no formal teaching on hand washing (C)? Time frame is not required for this PICO (T).
Secondary Prevention example (Screens)
For women aged 19-25 (P), does annual chlamydia testing and referral for treatment in Title X Family Planning clinics (I) reduce the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (O) compared to testing for chlamydia based only on reported history of multiple sexual partners in Title X Family Planning Clinics(C) ? Time frame is not required for this PICO (T).
Tertiary Prevention example (Treats)
For men over 60 years of age with history of one myocardial infarction (P), does a cardiac rehabilitation program that includes monthly group “social” meetings (I) reduce the risk of a second myocardial infarction (O) compared to attending a cardiac rehabilitation program without monthly group “social meetings” (C)? Time frame is not required for this PICO (T).

d. Using your PICO (T) question and your search strategies learned in NUR 315, identify at least (2) two resources that support a population-based, community intervention that will improve the health outcomes related to the selected condition in your identified population.
e. Additional resources on evidence-based public health interventions can be found at:
• http://www.healthcarecommunities.org/
• http://www.cdc.gov/
• http://health-evidence.ca/
• http://www.apha.org/programs/
• http://www.thecommunityguide.org/index.html http://www.ahrq.gov/

***Students may include research articles, articles about evidence-based programs, or evidence-based programs designed to impact the chronic or communicable disease that they are addressing.

***For the purposes of this assignment, you do not have to address levels of evidence.

Step 2
Write the paper:

A. Reflection: Reflect upon your experiences as a registered nurse, experiences as a student, and the evidence you have discovered during your searches related to this assignment while writing your proposal. Write a six (6)-page paper in APA format. The paper will have a title page, four (4) pages of text, and a reference page.

***Important – Students may write as if the program is in place currently or as a program they wish to develop. Make a persuasive argument for how you will use the funds effectively and why the funding is needed.
B. Title Page: The first page of the paper is the title page (APA, 2010, pp. 23-24, & 41). An author’s note and abstract are not required. APA recommends that papers be written using Times New Roman, font size 12.
C. Title: Center the title of your paper at the top of Page 2. (Titles are not bolded).
D. Introductory Paragraph: The next page starts the body of the paper. Start the body of the paper with an introductory paragraph.
a. The introduction should be one (1) paragraph that sets the stage for the paper by including a brief overview of the program, the population it serves, and where the program is located (APA, 2010, pp. 27-28, & 42).
b. Introduce all topics to be discussed in subsections.
c. A paragraph should have at least three (3) sentences.
d. Do not use a heading for the introduction. The first paragraph is assumed to be the introduction.

E. First Topic of Paper: Discuss program significance and background.
a. Use the Level 1 heading, Program Significance and Background, for this section. Center and bold the heading without line spacing above or below this heading.
b. Make a persuasive argument about why the program is important.
c. Include community partners who will be, or are involved currently in the program. Include the name and agency of key informant/stakeholder(s) who were instrumental in helping you gather information about your population of interest.
d. Note where the program is located.
e. Synthesize the professional readings with your own original thoughts and avoid lengthy quotations of 40 words or more.
f. Remember to cite paraphrases and direct quotations (APA, 2010, p. 170). You will need to cite population statistics in this section.
g. A paragraph should have at least three (3) sentences.

F. Second Topic of Paper: What one (1) Healthy People 2020 Objective does the program address? How can the objective be impacted by this program?
a. Use the Level 1 heading, Healthy People 2020 Objective, for this section. Center and bold the heading without line spacing above or below this heading.

***Students must include the topic area, specific objective number, and description.
Format example for an adolescent health objective from Healthy People 2020:
AH-5.1 Increase the proportion of students who graduate with a regular diploma 4 years after starting 9th grade).

b. Explain how the program impacts the objective.
c. Synthesize the professional readings with your own original thoughts and avoid lengthy quotations of 40 words or more.
d. Remember to cite paraphrases and direct quotations (APA, 2010, p. 170). You will need to cite the Healthy People 2020 website for this section.
e. A paragraph should have at least three (3) sentences.

G. Third Topic of Paper: Discuss the PICO(T) question you used to develop the program. Describe how the evidence was discovered to develop the program initially.
a. Use the Level 1 heading, PICO(T) Question, for this section. Center and bold the heading without line spacing above or below this heading.

***Begin your paragraph with something like this: Our program was developed based upon the following question: (then state your PICO [T]). Please include the (P), (I), (C), and (O) as seen in the examples provided above.
*** Important notes – (T) is not necessary for the purposes of this assignment.
***For the purposes of this assignment, you also do not have to address levels of evidence. ***You do need to describe the keywords and search methodologies (AND, OR, etc.) used in your search to find pertinent evidence on which to base your program.

b. A paragraph should have at least three (3) sentences.

H. Fourth Topic of Paper: Include a discussion of the evidence.
a. Use the Level 1 heading, Discussion of Evidence, for this section. Center and bold the heading without line spacing above or below this heading.
b. Summarize the community resources you identified to improve health outcomes in the population. Include at least one (1) strength of the population or community partnership that facilitates the success of this program
c. Explain how the literature evidence you found in your search supports your program.
d. Synthesize the professional readings with your own original thoughts and avoid lengthy quotations of 40 words or more.
e. Remember to cite paraphrases and direct quotations (APA, 2010, p. 170). You will need to cite at least 2 (two) evidence-based professional health care sources that you used to develop your program.
f. A paragraph should have at least three (3) sentences.

I. Fifth Topic of Paper: Include a discussion of the level of prevention the proposed program is addressing. Be sure to look at the “Request for Proposals” in the directions above to determine levels of funding and funding priorities.
a. Use the Level 1 heading, Level of Prevention, for this section. Center and bold the heading without line spacing above or below this heading.
b. Discuss both the level of prevention you have selected and how it will meet the needs of the population.
c. Designate how you will use the funds effectively. Provide a breakdown of how the funds will be used specifically.
d. ***Papers that address how their program will be sustained after the grant moneys are spent will be awarded bonus points.
e. Synthesize the professional readings with your own original thoughts and avoid lengthy quotations of 40 words or more.
f. Remember to cite paraphrases and direct quotations (APA, 2010, p. 170). You will need to cite your textbook for the level of prevention content.
g. A paragraph should have at least three (3) sentences.

J. Sixth Topic of Paper: Include a discussion of which Core Public Health Function the program supports and which one (1) of the Ten Essential Services it provides.
a. Use the Level 1 heading, Core Public Health Function and Ten Essential Services, for this section. Center and bold the heading without line spacing above or below this heading.
b. Explain how your program supports the specific core public health function.
c. Explain how your program meets one (1) essential service.
d. Synthesize the professional readings with your own original thoughts and avoid lengthy quotations of 40 words or more.
e. Remember to cite paraphrases and direct quotations (APA, 2010, p. 170). You will need to cite your textbook for the Core Public Health Function and Ten Essential Services content.
f. A paragraph should have at least three (3) sentences.

K. Seventh Topic of Paper: Include a final persuasive argument for funding.
a. Use the Level 1 heading, Persuasive Argument for Funding, for this section. Center and bold the heading without line spacing above or below this heading.
b. Summarize your rationale to as to why the intervention/program will improve health outcomes and reduce the burden of disease in the identified population.
c. Address your experience as an RN and/or a student, the evidence you discovered, and patient preference. **In this case, the patient is the population.
d. Discuss information about your population that supports your assertion that the program will be successful.
e. Include why the Foundation should provide the funding that you have requested.
f. Synthesize the professional readings with your own original thoughts and avoid lengthy quotations of 40 words or more.
g. Remember to cite paraphrases and direct quotations (APA, 2010, p. 170). You will need to cite the evidence you discovered. You may sources you used for the fourth topic of the paper.
h. A paragraph should have at least three (3) sentences.

***If you are using a source with multiple authors, be sure to see the table on p. 177 of the APA manual for how to cite multiple authors.

L. Conclusion: Finish the body of your paper with a conclusion paragraph.
a. Use the Level 1 heading, Conclusion, for this section. Center and bold the heading without line spacing above or below this heading.
b. A conclusion summarizes the seven (7) key points of the paper.
• Program Significance and Background
• Healthy People 2020 Objective
• PICO(T) question
• Discussion of Evidence
• Level of Prevention
• Core Public Health Function and Ten Essential Services
• Persuasive Argument for Funding
c. Do not add new information. Only recap information that you have discussed in the body of your paper.
d. This paragraph should have at least seven (7) sentences. One for each topic above.
e. Add a “page break” function on the line after the conclusion to keep your reference list on the next page.

M. Reference Page: The sixth page of your paper is the reference page (APA, 2010, pp. 49-51, 193-215).
a. Title the top of the page “References” without bolding. Do not add a line space after “References.”
b. The reference page is double-spaced without extra line-spacing between entries.
c. Indent the items in the reference list.
d. A minimum of five (5) sources are required for this paper. You will be citing the course textbook, the Healthy People 2020 website, one (1) source providing statistics for the first topic of this paper, and two (2) evidence-based professional health care sources.
e. Footnotes are not required.

Step 3
Submit the Paper:
****You will submit the paper to the Week 7 Assignment folder. This assignment is due Sunday of Week 7.
***Information about Safe Assignment (anti-plagiarism software program in Blackboard), submitting papers using Safe Assignment and originality reports generated by Safe Assignment can be found at http://help.blackboard.com/en-us/Learn/9.1_SP_14/Student/060_Assignments/040_SafeAssign
Updated 05/2014 ChAr Updated 1-15-15 LH Comments 1-17-2015 KV

NUR 440 Grading Rubric for Mini Grant Proposal
(20 points)

NOTE: Faculty reserves the right to award partial points if all criteria are not met.

1 Point 0.75 Points 0.5 Points 0 Points

Introduction • Included a brief overview of the program, the population it serves, and where the program is located (must have all three components).
• Introduced Program Significance and Background.
• Introduced the Healthy People 2020 Objective that the program addresses.
• Introduced the PICO(T) question used to develop the program.
• Introduced a Discussion of the Evidence.
• Introduced the Level of Prevention that the Health Education Project (HEP) addresses.
• Introduced both the Core Public Health Function that the program supports and one (1) of the Ten Essential Services the HEP provides.
• Introduced your persuasive argument for funding. • Met 5-7 out of 8 criteria for this section. • Met 2-4 out of 8 criteria for this section. • Met 0-1 of 8 criteria for this section.

1.5 Points 0.75 Points 0.5 Points 0 Points

Program Significance and Background • Included a persuasive argument about why the program is important.
• Included community partners who will be, or are involved currently, in the program.
• Included both the name and agency of key informant/stakeholder(s) who were instrumental in helping your gather information about your population of interest.
• Noted where the program is located. • Met 2-3 out of 4 criteria for this section.
• Met 1 out of 4criteria for this section. • Met 0 out of 4 criteria for this section.
0.25 Points 0 Points
Program Significance and Background
Citation(s) • Included at least (1) one professional APA citation for the source that you used to cite population statistics.
• No citation(s) attempted.

1.5 Points 0.75 Points 0.5 Points 0 Points

Healthy People 2020 Objective • Included only (1) one Healthy People 2020 Objective that the program addresses.
• Included the topic area, specific objective number, and description for the Healthy People 2020 Objective (must have all three components).
• Explained how the program impacts the objective. • Met 2 out of 3 criteria for this section.
• Met 1 out of 3 criteria for this section. • Met 0 out of 3 criteria for this section.
0.25 Points 0 Points
Healthy People 2020 Objective
Citation(s) • Included an APA citation for the Healthy People 2020 website.
• Did not include an APA citation for the Healthy People 2020 website.

1.5 Points 0.75 Points 0 Points

PICO(T) Question • Discussed the PICO(T) question you used to develop the program.
• Described both the keywords and search methodologies (AND, OR, etc.) used in your search to find pertinent evidence on which to base your program.

• Met 1 out of 2 criteria for this section.

• Met 0 out of 2 criteria for this section.
1.5 Points 0.75 Points 0.5 Points 0 Points
Discussion of the Evidence • Summarized the community resources you identified to improve health outcomes in the population.
• Included at least (1) one strength of the population or community partnership that facilitates the success of this program.
• Explained how the literature evidence you found in your search supports your program.
• Met 2 out of 3 criteria for this section.
• Met 1 out of 3 criteria for this section. • Met 0 out of 3 criteria for this section.
0.25 Points 0 Points

Discussion of Evidence
• Included (2) two APA citations from professional health care sources that you used to develop your program.
• Did not include (2) two citations from professional health care sources that you used to develop your program.

1.5 Points 0.75 Points 0.5 Points 0 Points
Level of Prevention • Discussed both the level of prevention you selected and how it will meet the needs of the population.
• Discussed how you use the funds effectively for your program.
• Provided a breakdown of how the funds will be used specifically.
****Papers that address how their program will be sustained after the grant moneys are spent will be awarded bonus points.
• Met 2 out of 3 criteria for this section.

• Met 1 out of 3 criteria for this section. • Met 0 out of 3 criteria for this section.
0.25 Points 0 Points
Level of Prevention Citation(s) • The APA citation of the textbook is correct. (Hint: Use chapter format.)
• The APA citation of the textbook is incorrect.
1.5 Points 0.75 Points 0 Points
Core Public Health Function and Ten Essential Services • Explained how your program supports the specific core public health function.
• Explained how your program meets only (1) one essential service. • Met 1 out of 2 criteria for this section.

• Met 0 out of 2 criteria for this section
0.25 Points 0 Points
Core Public Health Function and Ten Essential Services
Citation(s) • The APA citation of the textbook is correct. (Hint: Use chapter format.)

• The APA citation of the textbook is incorrect

1.5 Points 0.75 Points 0.5Points 0 Points
Persuasive Argument for Funding • Summarized your rationale as to why the intervention/program will improve health outcomes and reduce the burden of disease in the identified population.
• Addressed your experience as a RN and/or student.
• Addressed the evidence you discovered.
• Addressed patient preferences.
• Discussed information about your population that supports your assertion that the program will be successful.
• Included why the Foundation should provide the funding that you have requested.
• Met 4-5 out of 6 criteria for this section.
• Met 2-3 out of 6 criteria for this section.
• Met 0-1 out of 6 criteria for this section.
0.25 Points 0 Points
Persuasive Argument for Funding
Citation(s) • Included at least one (1) APA citation(s) from professional sources that you used to find population statistics.
• Did not include at least one (1) APA citation(s) from professional sources that you used to find population statistics.

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