California Foster Care Program

California Foster Care Program


Foster care refers to program(s) in which children are put into state custody. This occurs when the state proves that the security and welfare of the children is not guaranteed at their homes. With foster care, children join other families who provide security, care and support. There are several instances that can result to a child settling in foster care. The first is when the law dictates so as in case of juvenile courts. A court may find a child exposed to abuse and neglect, and the only way to help this child is by placing him in foster care. Child and family services also offer children a 90 day maximum voluntary foster care placement.

Foster care program, however, move children from their homes as the last resort.  These programs aim to put the children in their homes at all costs unless their safety and well being is at risk (Smith, 2011, p213). The overall purpose of foster care program is to provide children with permanent and safe residence that they can call home. It also aims to help the children foster strong and lasting relationships with individual they can consider family. The California foster care program is ineffective in nurturing the child to grow to be a mature responsible adult. In fact, California has more than 80000 children i.e. more that a forth of the nations foster care population, should be an indicator of the need to establish effective systems in foster care programs.

Foster Care Program in California

In California, there are many children in the states foster care system that requires alternative care due to factors such as neglect, abuse and exploitation.  In California, the foster care program strives to give relatives the first priority when it comes to child placement.  This is in an effort to keep the child as close to a familiar environment as a possible. However, if a home with relatives is not possible, the foster care program looks for alternative residence. The alternative home must be one that provides support and stability until when the child can return to his parents. The California department of social services (CDSS) is the agency responsible for the provision of foster care program for vulnerable children.   The agency’s mission is to serve, aid and protect children considered vulnerable and in need of assistance. CDSS has several divisions, one being the children and family services division (CFSD) (State of California, 2007). The main role of CFSD is to assist in the adoption process, provide foster care to vulnerable children and initiate children’s program and welfare services.  Society expects that foster care programs give vulnerable children a second chance at life by proving an environment that will enhance growth.  Foster care program in California give children a second chance to enjoy their childhood. The society appreciates these programs; however, they should be effective enough to mould children to become independent and reliable adults in society (Barth, & Courtney, 2010, 115).

Effectiveness of California Care Foster Program

Question over the effectiveness of California foster program arises when reflecting on the children who turn 18 and become adults while still at foster care. In California, about 4000 California youth grow out of the foster care system. The foster care system in California states that a child can only continue to enjoy the services of foster care until he is 18, where he should have attained independency. This system has so far proven to be ineffective as many 18 year olds are left unattended and without a source of livelihood.  Research indicates that a typical 18 year old growing at home without any foster care intervention remains dependent on his parent until he is 26. These statistics thus indicate that the child from the foster care program is not independent either (Harbert, & Dudley, 2007, 15).

Opportunities at the foster care program are not guaranteed like in a standard family. In fact, researchers estimate that only a third of youths leaving California foster homes have driving licenses. The studies also indicate that less than four of those leaving foster homes in California have at least $250. Further studies indicate that a majority of youths leaving foster care program in California end up with post traumatic stress disorder. This is because of the hurdles they encounter in society as they embark on the journey towards adulthood (Smith, 2011, p 234). On education, studies reveal that only 46% of youth leaving foster care program have a high school education. Even with high school education, only 20% acquire post secondary education.  Without proper education, the youths from foster programs find it difficult get decent jobs.

California’s foster care program ineffectiveness translates to an additional burden to society. The foster care program fails to prepare the children for the future. Without adequate education and a decent job, the youth remains dependant on society. California foster care program fails to prepare and advise the children on their transition top adulthood. As an adult out of the foster care program, the burden of caring for these youths is left squarely on society. The foster youth requires housing assistance and support services which are costly for society. In case of incarceration, the cost of reforming the youth ranges from $55-$115,000 (Freundlich, & Avery, 2005, 121). California’s foster care program fails to prepare the youths for life as adults hence lead to extra costs to society in terms of rehabilitation expenses.

Evidence of the ineffectiveness of foster care program in California is also evident in the number death among children in foster care. Researchers’ estimates that approximately 50 children moved to foster care program die under the protection of the state. This is proof that the child and family services department needs to improve its systems. The state moves children from their homes to foster home with the intention of providing them with safer environments (Harbert, & Dudley, 2007, 27). The fact that children in foster homes are most vulnerable and at risk of injuries or death; proof that the foster care system is ineffective.  Whereas some children die accidentally and due to natural causes, others die due to neglect, and abuse in the hands of caregivers.

The ineffectiveness of California’s foster care programs is also attributed to the fact that policies, program administrations and funding vary from one county to another.  Without a uniform policy, the existing program remains fragments and poorly funded. This subsequently interferes with the ability of California foster care program to provide adequate services and assistance to vulnerable children.  The foster care program must have an elaborate structure that emphasizes on giving children a life of meaning and purpose. For California foster program to achieve this, it must encourage connection with family and peers (Shirk, & Stangler, 2004, p98).  The program must also prepare the children to become independent in adulthood. This is done by ensuring the child completes his education at the appropriate age, access quality medical attention and involvement in social and civic engagement. These strategies ensure that the child in foster care gradually prepares for a life of independency once he becomes an adult.


California’s foster care program is in dire need of restructuring and modification so as to enhance the well being of children.  States establish foster care homes so as to provide children with alternatives homes that are safer than their homes. California foster home program gives the first priority of children placement to the relatives. It is only when the relatives are unavailable that alternative shelter is considered. Unfortunately, the foster care program in California is ineffective in molding the child into a responsible and dependent adult. The safety of the children is also questioned as statistics indicate that more children in foster care are prone to injuries and deaths in foster homes. Foster care program must be effective in helping children grow into independent and responsible members of society. Currently, the California foster care program fails to accomplish this as most children reach 18 with minimal education and without proper skills on how to survive as adults.  California foster care program ceases to assist the foster children once they reach 18years. This policy is ineffective as the foster care program needs to report on on the welfare of the youth beyond foster care. Assisting the youths become independent, guarantees that they grow as responsible individuals in society.

Work Cited

Barth, R. & Courtney, M. (2010). From child abuse to foster care. Aldine transaction

Freundlich, M. & Avery, R. (2005). Planning for permanency for youth in congregate care. Children and youth service review. Vol. 27; 115-134

Harbert, A. & Dudley, D. (2007). Emancipating foster youth. Southern area consortium of human services: 1-35

Shirk, M. & Stangler, G. (2004). On their own: kids after foster care. New York: Persus Books Group

Smith, W. (2011). Youth leaving foster care. Oxford University Press: 213

State of California, (2007). Home page. Retrieved from

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