Advocacy Web Site Assignment.
Advocacy Web Site Assignment.
The gender education and advocacy (GEA, is a national corporation aimed at the concerns, needs and issues of gender variant people in the people’s society. This organization seeks to advocate and educate not only on themselves but for others humanity that suffers gender based oppression, as well. Furthermore, this organization is a non-profit corporation built-in Georgia. The problems addressed by this organization include; health advisories, gender, HIV/AIDS, silicone use and breast cancer among others. On the issue of gender, the organization has endeavored to deal with gender variance issues like transgendered in the gender variance model. According to GEA the transgendered people are the most misunderstood and also stigmatized of the larger sexual minorities such as bisexuals, lesbians, gays, and transgenders. The biggest challenge for the gender educators is to put this people in the context which they can be understood. The larger community of anti-tran-sexuals does not understand this sexual minority; hence gender educators need to work on this challenge appropriately.
As a matter of fact, the research done on transsexual issues is not enough to illuminate the required insights about gender variance and transexualism. The gender issues of the past have revolutionalized, and new matter emerged in the 21st century. Although some of those gender issues got addressed in other centuries, enormous matters have to be addressed in a modern day perspective. Gender organization has prepared educational training based on children and adults regarding the effects of silicone on the human body. Additionally, the young people as well as the mature get an education on HIV/AIDS through public lectures organized by GEA senior executives. This advocacy would benefit the children in terms of enlightening them on prevention and precautions against the spread of the virus.
Gender organization (2003) The gender education and advocacy (
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