Author Archive: collegecustompapers
Network Marketing
Network Marketing Abstract Network marketing entails the use of social relationships between customers in order to enhance an organization’s sales. The primary objective of this work is to create a structure that can enable firms to create a competitive advantage through network marketing.Over 100 literatures have been analyzed with the purpose of identifying theories and […]
Starbucks Company
Starbucks Company Introduction Starbucks is a multinational company that offers coffee and services related to coffee to customers in different parts of the world. The company was formed in 1971 and by this time it had limited its market in few areas of operations. Initially, the company focused on distribution of high quality coffee […]
A CRITICAL POST-GLOBAL-CRISIS ASSESSMENT OF THE CREDIT RISKS OF INVESTMENT BANKING AND TO WHAT EXTENT DOES IT AFFECT THE BANKS LIQUIDITY? A CASE OF DEUTSCHE BANK AG. 1.0 Introduction Investment banking can be defined as a specific division of banking that is associated to the making of funds for other companies. This task is normally […]
The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition
Intelligence Testing The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition Introduction Practitioners including educators and therapists and individuals are constantly faced with the need to assess the intellectual capacity of individuals to determine their functioning levels (Reynolds & Clark, 1985). Negligible number of tests can utilize sufficient scores to establish a detailed analysis of the intra-individual differences […]
Compare and Contrast Psychometric Properties of Tests
Compare and Contrast Psychometric Properties of Tests Introduction There are two different instruments for deficit disorders. We have the Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales for adolescents and that of children. Another instrument for attention deficit attention is the ADHD symptom checklist 4. The Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales and v ADHD symptom checklist 4 […]
Vocational Testing
Vocational Testing Introduction In the modern world, characterized by dynamism, determining the right allocation of resources is complex (Coetzee & Esterhuizen, 2010). Roles are changing, and making career choices, developing training programs, and selection of personnel have become difficult procedures. Psychometric assessment techniques serve to provide an effective mechanism that matches persons that allocates people […]
IMF/World Bank Model
IMF/World Bank Model Outline Introduction This paper debates on whether IMF/World Bank model of economic development versus Marxist or structuralist approach is appropriate. Part I: Financial programming This section clarifies the policy implications and the basic tenets of IMF/World bank model. The chosen model for IMF literature is financial programming. It requires seven points in […]
Enlightenment This chapter assesses the term enlightenment. According to Immanuel Kant, enlightenment encompasses the liberation of the human brain from misconceptions. He also emphasizes on the significance of courage towards an individual’s development. For instance, it is difficult for any individual to reason rationally without being courageous. The absence of coercion serves as an instrumental […]
The Implementation Cycle
The Implementation Cycle Introduction The paper focuses on the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems within the organizational framework of Rolls-Royce. According to the authors, ERP systems have the capacity to streamline operational efficiency within an organization. In addition to operational efficiency, ERP also has other benefits such as cost management and enhancement of […]
Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
Comparative Criminal Justice Systems The rate of global crimes has increased considerably. There are different types of global crimes that affect countries around the world in different ways. Organized crimes have become a significant problem in US and other nations because of globalization. Organized criminal groups have spread to different parts of the world creating […]