Author Archive: Hellen Wanjiru

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| December 14, 2017

A story of Winston Smith was told by George Orwell in 1994. He worked in the propaganda office of a regime that is totalitarian. The job of Smith at the ministry of truth that was fictional was to alter documents and to destroy photographs, and to make the past to fit the present needs. Along […]

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Creative Thinking

| December 14, 2017

Part 1 My mother is a solid rock that is never shaken by storms and gales. Even when everyone else is being blown around by certain aspects of human turmoil’s she stands up tall and embraces us all thus shielding us from danger. Families that have strong mothers are hardy ships in stormy seas which […]

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Scholarships: How $1,000 Will Help Fuel your Dreams?

| December 14, 2017

I am a hardworking and determined student whose academic success is dependent on my furthering in education to enable me achieve my career goal. I am majoring in say commerce so that I can later attend a commerce institution and become an auditor. My immediate goal is to acquire success in academics enrolling in a […]

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Value Of Paid Employment

| December 14, 2017

Olmstead Supreme court decision of 1999 was that it is a pervasive and serious offence to discriminate against individuals with disabilities.  This is found in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This act indicates that no single person who is qualified and disabled should be denied the public benefits or excluded from participating in […]

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| December 14, 2017

 FEDEX Company -How the plan organization influences the other functions and departments of this company that is finance, human resources, accounting and marketing. Operations are the main functional part in an association. Irrespective of the kind of the organization and activities in every business has few crucial actions to perform. This includes finance, human resources, […]

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The Nature of Thought

| December 13, 2017

 Perception Introduction Thinking is a process that is done on daily routine from when we wake up until we sleep.  During the thinking process, various steps are carried out in the mind in unison and we act by communicating out thoughts.  For example, when writing an academic paper various activities go on in the mind […]

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| December 13, 2017

 The following is a critical path of the rock fest activities Calculating the duration of rock fest project According to my critical path the project will be A, D, E, F, G and O. this duration is calculated as the following. Time for activity Start (early) End (early) Start(late) End (late) Slacks projects A 7 […]

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Design Type

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction             The various qualitative research design types help the researcher in the study of the human habits as well as behaviors. In this text, I will look at the type of qualitative design used in the qualitative article “Day surgery: patients of a nurse-lead preadmission clinic.” The type of qualitative design             The design […]

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Augustine (354-430 C.E.): Confessions

| December 13, 2017

Saint Augustine (354 – 430 AD) was also known as Saint Augustine of Hippo who created his image through his teachings and writings. Augustine of Hippo was born in North Africa Tagaste or what is currently known as Algeria in the year 354. He lived for approximately 67 years after which he died on the […]

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| December 13, 2017

Answer 1.              In the play, a rare mysterious creature is represented by the unicorn. Laura is symbolized by the glass unicorn. Laura has a tendency of not submitting to reality and that is why when in an uncomfortable situation, she tends to disintegrate to pieces. As a result of her disability, Laura feels pushed […]

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