Value Of Paid Employment
Olmstead Supreme court decision of 1999 was that it is a pervasive and serious offence to discriminate against individuals with disabilities. This is found in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This act indicates that no single person who is qualified and disabled should be denied the public benefits or excluded from participating in public activities, programs, and services. The case of Olmstead V. L. C was presented in the Supreme Court in 1999. The case was against Tommy Olmsted who was the Georgia state commissioner of Human Resource who acted on behalf of two women with disabilities after being diagnosed with personality and schizophrenia disabilities. The women claimed that they had been discriminated by the hospital by not giving them medical care and unnecessarily institutionalized. This violated the ADA. Olmstead ruling indicated that all public bodies and states had the responsibility to comply with ADA title 11. Thereby, the public funds such as Medicaid service should be available to all people with disabilities.
Employment gives an individual a chance to be paid. People can get employed in household sectors, non- profit organizations, or in the public sector. It is beneficial to earn money at the end of a given duration like on monthly basis because one attains an improved living condition and he or she is able to save and invest part of the salary.Qualified people may not find a place to work because of various reasons. Low economic development of a country limits the chances of employment.
Discrimination based on race, ethnics or physical disability is reasons why qualified people may find it hard to get a job. They face challenges such as poor living standards and difficulty to progress economically because they do not have the capital. Having a source of income is important because one can access loans, pay bills and even assist dependants in education. It gives one a sense of self purpose which is important. Unemployment is associated with stress, anger and frustration. Lack of income affects the self-esteem of an individual negatively
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