Benefits of Art Education
Benefits of Art Education
Evidence shows that most learning institutions fail in preparing students for future living. One vital aspect assumed by learning institutions is the idea of self expression. Statistics shows that a good number of students who leaves school in every year do not know how to express themselves. Self expression is necessary in the community setting simply because it helps an individual express his point to the relevant parties. The work of art education in the learning environment is to prepare students or individuals in that case for proper self expression. In one of his writings, Williams gave examples on how art education helps individuals express their feelings. In other words, art education prepares people get skills in expressing what they feel thus it should be taught in learning institutions, (Hurwitz, 2011).
Society is all about staying and living with each other. In the current world of globalization, people have developed a tendency of connecting with each other. It is through sharing of ideas and exchange of cultures people have managed to grow in different ways. Based on the human nature, people tend to love themselves so much something that may create violence or conflict in the society. It is through connecting with other people we develop a healthy environment best for everyone. Art education has managed to prepare people by providing skills of socializing. Art education helps people learn on how to socialize with each other and in the process they share their ideas, (Hurwitz, 2011).
In learning individuals requires skills of writing and reading in order perform well in their academics. Evidence shows that art education prepares or helps learners get basics of learning. Art education is like a foundation in learning simply because it helps create an environment best for students learning. Most people have managed to perform well in their academics because they have skills and knowledge required in their learning environment. The environment of art education prepares individuals tackle life and academic problems. This shows that learning institutions should teach art education in their curriculum in order to help individuals create a friendly learning environment. We are able to perform well in other subjects simply because art education helps us get a rough idea on how to approach problems, (Hurwitz, 2011).
Art education is necessary in the learning environment more than any other subject for preparing learners. Evidence shows that learning must requires basics such as writing and reading skills. We also need speaking skills to foster and enhance communication skills within the environment we are living. In the environment, we live, communication skills help us communicate with each other. In learning, we require communication aspects such as writing and speaking. Art education has managed to assist thousands of learners acquire communication skills that help them communicate with other people. Evidence shows that we live in a community setting where art has no value. This is the same reason why most people do not know how to communicate. Art taught in the learning environment helps people communicate effectively simply because they understand what they should do, (Hurwitz, 2011).
Art is vital in developing human thinking capacity. Scientists have discovered that, with art in human life, it helps develop an individual’s creative thinking aspects as well as improving his cognitive skills. Research has proved that art education is vital in human growth simply because it helps in brain development. Art experience in learning creates an environment that enables students have skills that cannot be duplicated in any means. Art prepares people face pleasure they encounter in their daily life. This shows how vital art is in developing cognitive skills in an individual’s life. Learning art helps develop teamwork and social skills that help develop social relationship in the society, (Hurwitz, 2011).
Art and culture is one and the same thing. Education in art helps individuals create and develop their cultural foundation. It is through art skills and knowledge people learn their culture hence develop a basis of what they believe. In different research conducted on the importance of art in cultural develop evidence shows that people live in an environment where they do not value culture. Art helps people understand their culture and as a result, create a foundation that allow cultural diversification. Art is the foundation of culture simply because learners understand what revolves around them hence manage to explain their nature, (Hurwitz, 2011).
Art helps people imagine and make decisions about their environment. Studying art in the culture is relevant simply because it enables an individual understand his environment and how to relate with the components of the environment. The young generation wants art education in order to improve their cultural communication. Through art skills, people manage to share their views and develop a wider scope of their daily life. Art helps open imagination in different aspects and that are why it is relevant to have art education system in the learning environment, (Hurwitz, 2011).
Hurwitz, M. D. (2011). Children and Their Art: Art Education for Elementary and Middle Schools: Cengage Learning
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