Child Abuse

Child Abuse

In the modern days, cases of child abuse are so prevalent especially children infested areas such as learning institutions among other places. The greatest worry is how the abusers cannot stop this wild defilement of innocent children. Several cases of child sexual abuse by the unimaginable member of the society have been reported in most fraction of the world. Child abuse cases occur in all types of families regardless of socioeconomical status, race, ethnicity, culture, or religious group. The following are the factors or conditions that might lead a parent, relative, family friend, or other adults sexually abusing a child:

First and foremost, is the family system which place children at a high risk for sexual abuse. Inadequacy proper communication skill creates a loophole, which the abuser takes as an advantage to abuse a child. Whenever, a child is deprived the freedom of expression in the society leads to workable grounds for the molesters. Most of the abusers threaten the children forcing them hide the painful secret. The other condition leading to child abuse is a higher incidence of domestic violence. Some of The child sexual abusers take advantage of this type of situation to engage in their evil activities.

According to Brand L. Gail (2008) child abuse publication, Domestic violence incidences contribute in the family system that jeopardizes children’s safety from abusers.   Furthermore, parents or relatives having a history of childhood abuse sexual abuse might also advance sexual abuse behavior in a bid to gratify themselves.  An adult might also sexually abuse a child due to historical abuse of substances such as Marijuana, alcohol and other hard drugs. An increased incidence of violence and insecurity is another condition that has promoted child sexual abuse.  A children sexual case has been reported up to 80,000 times annually, but the sum of unreported cases is bigger.


American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2011) Child Abuse No 9 facts for families
Brand L. Gail and Fox S. Marilyn (2008) Child Abuse: A painful secret Neb Guide

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