Child Abuse

Child Abuse

Societal Contributions to Incest (chapter 7)

            Incest is something that has developed in the society to a point where arguments have come across. These arguments try to argue the cause, effects, and solution to the issue of incest in the current world. What I have learnt from this issue is that society has a significant contribution towards the development of incest behaviors in the society. Society creates environments appropriate to commit incest, and that is the reason why the rate of incest in the society has increased at that great level. Society has allowed people live the way they want something that contributes to incest. “Attractive young bodies sell jeans and sexy women drape themselves over cars and mattresses to provide more appealing advertisements,” (Crosson-Tower, 2008, pg. 153). I have come to realize that most people have sexualized young female simply because of the way they dress and walk. This is something that had not realized, but I have discovered it creates friendly environment for incest, (Crosson-Tower, 2008).

Something that made me surprised is that society has allowed women advertise themselves for sexual activities. How could the society allow women have the freedom to use sexual activities as sources of money? This is something that made me question my knowledge about the reading simply because I did not know that such a thing would be allowed by the society irrespective of anything. Society has failed in developing an environment that is free from sexual behaviors. This comes from the fact that instead of developing strict rules and regulations about sexual behavior; society teaches female children about sexuality. Evidence shows that the society even blames female children on sexual behaviors that come across, (Crosson-Tower, 2008).

Sexual abuse in day care settings (chapter 8)

In the recent research, evidence shows that day care setting has failed to provide quality and proper services to children who are brought in by their parents. An increase in sexual abuse has occurred in this setting something that makes it worrying for parents who take their children in day care environment. I have discovered that instead of day care setting providing services to children in the appropriate manner they have developed behaviors that affect parents and children. “The reality is most adults have a sincere interest in taking care of children, but, unfortunately, those who have the potential to be or are abusive gravitate to settings where children are available,” (Crosson-Tower, 2008, pg. 198). Something that amazes the day care setting is that instead of care providers protecting kids, they go to   the extent of abusing them sexually. This is something I had not known because I thought that care providers are in that setting to provide services to the kids and not abusing them in any way, (Crosson-Tower, 2008).

What surprised me about this reading is that instead of care givers protecting kids they develop situations of abusing these kids. This is something that requires attention because unless someone is psychologically ill, such things may be difficult to happen. Something astonishing is how a normal person can abuse a child and feel comfortable to repeat the same thing day after another. The reading made me question my knowledge simply because I thought that a normal person in charge of a day care cannot develop a relationship with kids for sexual attraction, (Crosson-Tower, 2008).


Crosson-Tower, C. (2008). Understanding child abuse and neglect (7th ed.).  Boston, MA:           Allyn& Bacon

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