Child’s Rights
Child’s Rights
Manifesto for All Children
This manifesto stipulates that the assessments for children should have the capacity to indicate a child’s actual intelligence on different perspectives. In essence, this implies that the assessment should be all inclusive. Under Section III, one of the most notable child’s rights pertains to access to education. All children must receive the quality of education that serves as a platform for their future. Under this provision, education is compulsory for all children irrespective of their background, standards of living and ethnicity.The manifesto by early childhood professionals serves the best interests of children in California. This is because it enhances the quality of education offered to all children. At a personal level, I would have added my signature. This is because the declaration serves as a useful platform for streamlining the quality of education at early childhood level.
The most essential part of the manifesto pertains to the relevance of children to the economy.When a child does not access quality education, he becomes a massive burden to the economy. On the other hand, when the child attains quality education, he can contribute millions of dollars to the economy. The manifesto relates to a developmentally appropriate curriculum in that it emphasizes on all inclusiveness. This is where the child is equipped with different kinds of skills. This approach is beneficial because it helps in unearthing a child’s potential. I use the appropriate standards while teaching young learners. However, not all teachers necessarily use the right standards. This is mostly because of an ineffective implementation framework of the manifesto. My concern about assessments pertains to bias. This is when an assessment framework focuses too much on some aspects of the curriculum and ignores others.
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