Civil Liberties: Bill of Rights

The bill of rights means the collective name for the first ten amendments to the constitution of the United States. It is limitations series on the U.S federal government power, protecting the natural rights of property and liberty including also the freedom of speech, religion, press, association, assembly, etc. The difference between civil rights and civil liberties is that a civil right is a power or a right is exercised under the civil law and it includes things like the contracting ability while civil liberties are the freedoms that protect a person to a certain extent from the government and they include: freedom of assembly, religion, speech, privacy and own property.

The amendment of the freedom of speech was the first one in the United States’ constitution. The first amendment to the constitution of the U.S states that there should be no law that restricts the freedom of press and speech. The freedom of speech means that people has the freedom to speak freely with no censorship. This freedom doesn’t only mean the freedom of speech that is verbal but any act of receiving information, imparting ideas, seeking information etc. This right has limitations subjected to it e.g. hate speech. The democracy spread and freedom of speech has made a great positive impact on the analysis and practice of social movements. Also the freedom of speech has resulted to people expressing their views without fear. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011).

The amendment of the freedom of speech has enabled the American society to be free to speak air their views, to find information, receive and also send information.

The major potential threats of protecting the freedom of speech of the people of America

Lies with the government of the United States and not with the terrorists as the officials

of the governments say. The freedom of speech is also limited when it conflicts with

other rights or values. The freedom of speech may occur through social disapprobation

and sanction that is legal. (Liann, 2004).


Constitution of the USA. (2011): In Encyclopedia Britannica.

Liann, D.M. (2004): Patriot Act Civil Rights Resolution. Board of county commissioners.

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