Consider a woman who requires care from your own field of nursing (learning disability nurse) who is also pregnant.

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>interpersonal skills

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pregnant woman

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Considering the four domains: professional values, communication and interpersonal skills, nursing practice and decision making and leadership management and team working and complete the following questions;

1. Consider a woman who requires care from your own field of nursing (learning disability nurse) who is also pregnant.

• How could you meet the needs of the woman, her family and her unborn baby?

• How may you ensure their continued good health?

2. If a woman is admitted to an area in your field of nursing ( learning disability nurse) in advanced labour;

• What should your immediate reaction be?

• How would you facilitate the birth of the baby?

• How would you facilitate the delivery of the placenta and membranes?

• What would be your priorities in caring for the new-born baby?

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