Coroner’s Report: discuss the importance of documentation in health care

activity 2 Coroner’s Report (2,500 words)
As part of your portfolio you are required to review one coroner’s report from the examples provided on the MyUni site and provide a discussion with regards to the criteria detailed below. The discussion must be supported by contemporary literature.
This assessment must include the following criteria:
•A brief summary of the coroner’s findings (one or two paragraphs only).
•Discussion of medical and nursing practice in regards to the following areas:
•documentation and communication
•ethical decision-making
•leadership and management
•cultural competence or organizational culture.

Table of Contents

It is important that you use the report to highlight these areas of practice, but the discussion should provide a more general overview with regards to each criterion. For example, it may be evident in the coroner’s report that documentation was not recorded well and may have contributed to the outcome. You should use this as an example to discuss the importance of documentation in health care, such as outlining what is good documentation, how it contributes to effective care or how poor documentation may result in poor care.

Support your discussion with relevant literature. Please include a minimum of ten (10) contemporary references relevant to
•A concise critique on the how the deceased person’s death may have been prevented.
•A brief discussion on the coroner’s findings with regards to the practicability of implementing any recommendations.

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