crisis that faces us in health care: Obamacare we’ve changed the rules related to who pays for what, but we haven’t changed the prices we pay.
crisis that faces us in health care: Obamacare we’ve changed the rules related to who pays for what, but we haven’t changed the prices we pay.
The attached reading is the Time cover story of March 4, 2013 on the high cost of health care. The author says, “Put simply, with Obamacare we’ve changed the rules related to who pays for what, but we haven’t changed the prices we pay.” To understand the real crisis that faces us in health care we need to know how it works and this Time article provides current information without promoting a political agenda. Your task is to read the rather long, but easy to read, article and answer the following questions (Each question 200 word-max) 1. What does the author mean when he says,”When you follow the money, you see the choices we’ve made knowingly or unknowingly.” 2. Of the individual cases discussed, which did you find the most disturbing – Why? be specific 3. After reading this what do you think about doctors owing their lab? Give two positive reasons for and two against doctors wing their own labs, then identify where you stand on the topic. 4. Of all the practices that Time identifies that contribute to expensive health care which do you find the disturbing to you, why?
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