cyclopean masonry for its construction
cyclopean masonry for its construction
1. (TCO 1) Which of the following ancient structures is a citadel city that depended on cyclopean masonry for its construction and was entered through a massive Lion Gate? 2.(TCO 2) Which of the following rivers is associated with the city of Rome? 3.(TCO 5) According to an ancient legend, who created the first Celtic cross by making the mark of a Latin cross through the circle on an ancient standing stone monument? 4.(TCO 5) Who is credited for having coined the term platonic love? 5.(TCO 1) Who was known as the Sun King? 6.(TCO 2) During the early 18th century, which of the following areas was most closely associated with London’s very poor? 7.(TCO 1) Who is associated with such characters as Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack, and Roxanna? 8.(TCO 1) In which of the following literary pieces does Simon Legree play a significant role? 9.(TCO 5) Who wrote Remembrance of Things Past? 10.(TC0 5) Who designed the headquarters for the Chinese Central Television in conjunction with the 2008 Beijing Olympics? Discuss at least three ways in which Henry David Thoreau proved himself a nonconformist. Also, discuss one of Thoreau’s works and how it reflects his nonconformist attitude Based on your hearing or reading of The Outside by Susan Glaspell, explain how the playwright uses the male characters of the play to reveal feminist themes. How do these men further Glaspell’s feminist message? Given the modernist paintings we have studied (including Cubism, Fauvism, and expressionism), evaluate what distinguishes the modernist period from periods that came before. Use at least two examples of art we have studied in this course as the basis of your analysis 1.(TCO 1) Which of the following Greek terms can be translated as circle? 2.(TCO 2) Who was the Roman rhetorician who recognized the power of the Latin language to communicate with the people? 3.(TCO 5) Which of the following terms refers to an almond-shaped oval of light signifying divinity, imported from the Far East through Byzantium and commonly used by Romanesque artists? 4.(TCO 5) Which of the following was considered the most pre-eminent Italian city-state in the 15th century? 5.(TCO 1) Who was known as the Sun King? 6.(TCO 2) Who is the author of Essay on Human Understanding, which contends that people are perfectly capable of governing themselves? 7.(TCO 1) Who served as captain of the Endeavor as it sailed for the South Pacific in 1768? 8.(TCO 1) Which of the following authors is most closely associated with Lambert Strether, a key character in The Ambassadors? 9.(TCO 5) Which of the following paintings is considered something of a rebuttal to Pablo Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon? 10.(TCO 5) Which of the following led the forces that defeated the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War (that continued from 1936 to 1939), and then ruled Spain in a totalitarian manner until 1975?
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