Department Of Homeland Security

Homeland security department is a department of the United States federal government which was established in order to respond to the September eleven attacks. Its mission is in coordinating and developing the implementation of a widespread national policy that will help in keeping the United States secure from attacks and terrorists. The primary responsibility of this department is to protect the United States of America and United States.

Homeland Security Department works in the national area in protecting the nation, outside, at and within the boundaries. The goals of this department are in preparing to, preventing for and responding to domestic disaster specifically in cases of terrorism.  The homeland security department has helped in ensuring security in the United States. when department of homeland was created it would help in keeping the Americans safe because the nation would have a department whose mission is to protect the America homeland, the department is responsible of securing borders, the transportation sector, infrastructure and ports.

The department coordinates communication with the states and the local governments, the private industry and the people of America about threats and preparedness. The departments help in training and equipping first responders. It manages the federal emergency response and it synthesis and analyses homeland security intelligence from many sources (Hutton, J 2008). It is clear that attacks using nuclear devices and outbreaks of epidemic diseases tend to pose a very serious national security risk therefore; the department has focused on reducing the risk of these threats in to the public. The department has been able to ensure security in the country through strengthening the nuclear safety through enhancing nuclear recognition architecture and making sure that the nuclear materials of the country is safe. They have also established well planned and rehearsed plans for coordinated response.

After the September 11 attacks, the homeland security department has showed to be prepared in the emergency response professionals of the nation; it has provided the response of the federal government and helped in the recovery of the nation from the natural disaster and the terror attacks. In order to fulfill the mission of this department, the department was to build upon the federal emergency management agency as one of its components.

It continued with the efforts of FEMA in reducing the loss of life and property and protecting the institutions in the nation from any type of hard through all hazard emergency management programs of response, recovery, mitigation, and preparedness,. This department has also changed the emergency management culture from a culture that reacts to terrorism and other types of disasters to one which helps the citizens and communities from becoming victims of these acts.

Homeland security department has greatly changed as it has developed and managed a national training and evaluation system which has designed curriculum; it has set standards, evaluated and rewarded performance in state, federal and local training efforts. Homeland security department has helped the nation by leading federal efforts to promoting recovery of the nation from terror attacks and any natural disaster. The consequence that is faced after a terror attack is wide and it ranges from loss of life, destruction of families, health, loss of confidence for the government and destruction of property and financial market but through the efforts of the homeland security department has helped in aiding recovery.


Hutton, J (2008). Department of homeland security Diane Publishing Co.

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