Differentiate between the pharmacological treatment for each stage of hypertension.

Unit 5 Assignment 1 (U5A1)
Assignment Objectives:

1. Synthesize current guidelines on the staging of hypertension.
2. Differentiate between the pharmacological treatment for each stage of hypertension.

Purpose: To learn how to stage and treat hypertension according the JNC 7 Report.

Assignment Description:

Review the Seventh Report of the Joint Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of Hypertension (JNC VII) at the following site: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/hypertension/.
Discuss the stages of hypertension according to this report and list the first-line medications for each stage of hypertension.


Limit your response to 4 pages. Format paper according to APA 6th ed.

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