Discuss the findings in the AHRQ report and how this influences the outcomes for an individual patient or family.

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>Advance practice nursing course

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In case if you will need it. Discussion Question 1 Review the 2013 AHRQ disparities report. http://www.ahrq.gov/research/findings/nhqrdr/nhdr13/2013nhdr.pdf Chapter 2 of this report describes eight common conditions which are influenced by disparities: Cancer Cardiovascular Disease Chronic Kidney Disease Diabetes HIV/AIDS Mental Health and Substance Abuse Musculoskeletal Diseases Respiratory Diseases Select one of these diagnoses and describe the problems associated with its care.

Discuss the findings in the AHRQ report and how this influences the outcomes for an individual patient or family. Look at your state health department website and see if you can identify any specific programs which exist to help with this diagnosis and how closely it may match the AHRQ report.
Paper details

My State is Texas but you can use any other state that you find easier.
Please note that this is an advance practice nursing course, so I will like only a writer with nursing or medical background that will understand the question and will be able to answer it very well. Pls follow new APA guidelines 6th edition in writing the paper. Support your responses with scholarly academic references using APA style format. Assigned course readings and online library resources are preferred.

Please use Scholarly resources to support important points. Please use peer reviewed references that have dates to be sure references are contemporary and relevant. Pls include reference page from peer reviewed scholarly journals or Text book to support the assignment. Do not focus only on the web references.
Text Book for the class is: Policy and Politics for nurses and other Health Professionals: Advocacy and Action by Donna M. Nickitas, Donna J. Middough and Nancy Aries. In case if you will need it.

Discussion Question 1
Review the 2013 AHRQ disparities report. http://www.ahrq.gov/research/findings/nhqrdr/nhdr13/2013nhdr.pdf Chapter 2 of this report describes eight common conditions which are influenced by disparities:
Cardiovascular Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Musculoskeletal Diseases
Respiratory Diseases
Select one of these diagnoses and describe the problems associated with its care. Discuss the findings in the AHRQ report and how this influences the outcomes for an individual patient or family. Look at your state health department website and see if you can identify any specific programs which exist to help with this diagnosis and how closely it may match the AHRQ report.

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