Drug Enforcement Agency (Dea)Drug Enforcement Agency (Dea)
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is an agency charged with ensuring that laws and regulations with regard to the use of narcotics and controlled substances are enforced. This agency employs individuals who work as its officers and are charged with investigating and stopping the illegal activities of cartels involved with drug trafficking. This is the career or position i am planning to hold in future. In this text, I will develop the task statement for this position, analyse KSAOs required to succeed in this position and come up with training objectives as well as methods for training someone in this position. I will also briefly explain why I favor on-site training methods and lastly explain how I would evaluate the training program I have created.
Task statement for the position
A DEA carries out surveillance and brings to book drug trafficking cartels and all the other stakeholders of the drug trafficking chain. This is necessary so as to reduce the number of people who are hooked to drugs including individuals as young as 16 years. Arresting and charging of individuals dealing in illegal drugs also helps stop money laundering which has been cited to have negative consequences on the economy.DEA agents or officers engage a team of forensic investigators and financial analysts to help them solve the often complicated puzzle of laundered money sourced from drug trade. DEA officers also undergo an intensive paramilitary training and are equipped with all the equipment required to bring to book drug lords including satellite ground imaging systems, sniff dogs as well as an assortment of weapons as drug dealers sometimes fight back to avoid arrest (Fredrickson et al. 2004).
The KSAOs required for success in the job
There exist a range of knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics for one to successfully perform the duties of a DEA officer. First and foremost, as a DEA officer, you must have some basic background in finance, accounting, criminal investigations etc. an excellent physical and mental health is also a requirement and one must not have any history of drug use. One must also have the ability to withstand long working hours and long periods away from family and friends.
Training objectives for someone in the position
According to Fredrickson et al. (2004), the objectives of the DEA training is to produce an all round individual who is able to remain calm under difficult and stressful circumstances. The training also aims at producing an individual well versed on the criminal investigation and justice procedure because as an officer one will be required not only to execute an arrest but also to collect and properly document drugs seized from traffickers. The DEA officer paramilitary training is designed to equip the officer with necessary skills to effectively deal with dangerous criminals in the line of duty.
The training methods based on the objectives
Being a DEA officer is not an easy undertaking. One has to undergo a paramilitary training for a period of not less than 3 months as in this job there are inherent risks of engaging drug dealers in a gun battle while trying to affect an arrest. The DEA officer training also includes a course on the procedure involved in criminal justice as well as a criminal investigation and intelligence gathering methods. Other methods used in the DEA officer training include stress simulations where officers are expected to complete several complicated puzzles simultaneously in limited time. In the course of their training these agents are occasionally exposed to practical drug sting operations in collaboration with other more experienced officers.
Reasons for on-site training methods
The exposure of DEA officers still on training to dangerous practical situations in rear drug sting operations helps them to integrate what they learn in theory with what happens in practice. It also provides an opportunity for agents on training to practically examine the procedure of identifying, investigating, arresting and prosecuting those suspected of trafficking of drugs.
Evaluation of the training program
I would evaluate the training program I have created in three phases. These include;
- Before the implementation
Here, I will consider if the training program will result in the officer learning the skills and knowledge required to successfully carry out the job or tasks allocated. I would also look for ways to evaluate whether the program is compatible with the officers abilities, preferences as well as learning capabilities
During the implementation
Here, I would come up with a way of gauging whether the officers are getting what is being taught. This could be done by conducting periodical tests as well as assessments to gauge the level of progress.
- After training completion
This could be done by administering a test and having a comparison of the results before the training and immediately after the training. The officer can also be closely monitored in the job to evaluate the effectiveness of the training.
It is important to note that the effectiveness with which an officer executes his duties in the field will largely depend on the efficiency and applicability of the training methods and program.
Fredrickson, D., & Siljander, R. (2004). Street drug investigation: a practical guide for plainclothes and uniformed personnel. U.S.A: Charles C Thomas publishers, ltd
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