Early Life Experiences and Potential: Early life experiences have an impact on the development of the child Custom Essay
Early life experiences have an impact on the development of the child. The purpose of this Assessment Task 2 is to explore these experiences through parenting your own �Virtual Child�. You will be required to grow your child to the age of 18 years and then reflect his or her developing years to answer three questions related to significant developmental theories.
Question1: (~600 words)
The quality of a child�s experience in the first four (4) years of life impact on the neurological wiring of the brain and it can have lifetime effects. Explain the implications of positive and negative experiences on brain development. Refer to your virtual child at 3years &11 months and identify positive and negative experiences that may impact on his or her development.
Question 2: (~600 words)
Refer to Bronfebrenner�s bio-ecological model to answer this question. In what ways have factors from the microsystem outside of the family, from the mesosystem and from the exosystem possibly influenced your �Virtual Child�s� development at ages 6 years, 8 years and 10 years? Find four (4) examples of such influences and make clear why you believe they should be categorised at the particular level you choose within Bronfenbrenner�s model. For example you could choose two microsystems (eg classroom and peer group), one mesosystem (eg parent-peer relations or parent-teacher relations), and one exosystem (something affecting the parent directly but the child only indirectly through the parent.
Question 3: (~600 words)
Refer to the resilience cycle in Barnes & Rowe (page 198).
Using an interacting systems approach bioecological determinants of health and well-being can be grouped together under three domains � individual (biological and relational), family, and community � providing a framework guiding nursing intervention that promotes young peoples� strengths and moderates risk factors across all three domains.
Refer to your �Virtual Child� at aged 16years and 11months, using the headings in the resilience cycle identify factors that would promote resilience in your virtual child.
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