Effective Leadership Plan


The purpose of this essay is to identify a leadership plan for me that will define a strategy for capitalizing on my personal leadership effectiveness. In the course of learning, my leadership style’s speculation and replica have been greatly confronted. I have found myself being made to re-evaluate my correspondences and stance within the leadership arena. In this paper, I summarize my style and model, expound on the strong and weak points, address the gaps and how to close them, develop a realistic implementation timeline, as well as a discussion on how I will use this plan to impact my leadership, my followers and the organization I am based in.


Leadership Style

According to the assessment section of what my leadership style is, my scores indicates that my leadership combination is a self-governing, servant-leader, and bureaucratic with a fundamental score receptivity in the course of the combination of the people- and task-oriented. As the bureaucratic leader, I demarcate a very planned and routine strategy, while the self-governing leader takes note and study the ideas as the servant-leader smooth the progress of the goals by providing what is essential for productivity. Because of this blend of leadership, the evaluation scores incline to the task-centered and people-centered leader, which will bring into line with a given organization’s management.


As evidenced by Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn (2005) based on such scores, the analysis and implementation, strong points and weak points of such a management mechanism taps the extent to which one is task-centered or people-centered. Task-centered leaders concentrate on work done while a people-centered leader concentrates on the contacts and the requirements of individual associates.


Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses

My concern for people has seven scores, while my concern for task has a score of nine. My strengths as a task oriented leader I am interested in guidance, inculcating behavior, concert and winning. This is very important to understand, as I will capitalize on this strength because actively defining the work and the roles required as well as putting structures into place together with planning, organizing and monitoring the task progress are significant attributes to get, achieve, and sustain within my leadership role (Lussier and Achua, 2009).

My weakness, according to Prentice Hall assessment tool is people. Being a task-oriented, I am found to spare little or no consideration for the individuals making up the team, which for a long time has made me suffer the difficulty of motivating and retaining staff. This low score by the Prentice Hall Assessment Tool depict that I need to step up my leadership role. I can modify, transform the weak point by putting more People-centered, servant leadership into effect, which will change the way my support staff view and relate to me as a leader. In this case, servant leadership will see to it that the whole team is involved in decision making while the people centered leader will focus on organizing, supporting and developing people in the leader’s team (Lussier and Achua, 2009).


The gaps

A misinterpretation of the leadership role in place can cause some to send away any counteractive and/or instruction behaviors within the place of work. This creates a gap within the management and authority framework with a call for alignment of this Achilles’ heel with the strong point of the servant-leader. Seteroff (2003) stated individuals will productively express an organization when their performance ally with accessible management skills-when they endorse transformation verses steadiness, empowerment verses management, collaboration verses rivalry, and multiplicity verses conventionality.


In my leadership, the gaps I feel are in the way I am exercising my power and again due to the way am combining democratic, and bureaucratic. My preferred leadership style is the Expert style based on possessing knowledge and skill while the derivative type of leadership is the reward power which is laid on the ground that the there is a reward for all hard working employees (Northhouse 2009). These methods are not without any drawback since they expect that everyone is of the same skill level and knowledge level as me their leader. Nonetheless, this would provide the opportunity to utilize my power more effectively by transforming the staff into mindful and attentive leaders.


Closing the Gaps and Implementing Strategies

As an effective leader, a balanced combination of both task-centered and people-centered leadership styles are to be adapted. This will be useful in the attainment of expected results, where with the gaps closed, I will be more effective in my leadership than I now am. The first and foremost step in the closing of the gaps is the need to learn and understand the primary behaviors that are task-oriented and relation-oriented the I can lean and implement the six characteristics of temperaments that are persistence, integrity, job leadership, self-confidence, desire to lead and intelligence. In addition, I need to learn the six rules of management which are attention, self, feelings, trust, risk and meaning. As can be seen from Baghel (2011) people-centered leader organizes, trains and develops the people in their team which results to good teamwork and creative collaboration while a task-oriented leader only focuses on getting the work done by actively outlining work and the roles required a move that would alleviate the motivational issue, and a receptive behavior towards close supervision.


On the other hand, closing the gap in power will call for the need to learn to be an assertive leader with a wide variety of skills. This exploration of being an effective leader reveals both the interiority of exceptional leaders as well as the support of the standard shift in leadership, commerce and sustainability. It will also provide encouragement, inspiration and hope (Bozesan, 2009). In this regard, a blend of both quantitative and qualitative skills is required which includes constant expression of excellence, developing in service trustworthiness, motivating planned discussions, innovating, and convey results founded on knowledge and skills.


The Timeline, Impact and Assessment

Being involved in a three year program, I believe this is enough time to implement my reflective leadership plan. I hope to learn from experienced individuals, theories and models and plans with referenced results as I make my leadership plan work and learn how to make use of my power within my designed leadership style. In the next stage, I will dialogue and interact with experienced individuals of prestige about their leadership styles. At its best, an influenced relationship among leaders and followers replicates shared principles and combined results. In this course, I am willing to do away with obsolete practices or processes within my plan. The assessments will be surveys based on leadership and use of power and within the leadership model.



The basis of a triumphant leader is powerful communication while the basis of leadership behavior is the masterly of task and people oriented leaderships. The ability to articulate and communicate I the base I believe will assist me in becoming a better leader, with a leadership style suitable for any organization, a plan to close the gaps with a strong ability to transform the weak points while building on strengths for success.




Baghel K. (2011). Leadership Styles. Retrieved on 03-04-2011 from http://www.scribd.com/doc/6977049/Leadership last updated on 2011.

Lussier R. and Achua C., (2009). Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development.Cengage Learning. United States of America. P. 174.

Northouse P. (2009).Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications, Inc. California. P. 7

Seteroff, S.S. (2003). Beyond leadership to followership: Learning to lead from where you are. Trafford Publishing. Victoria: Canada.

Schermerhorn J., Hunt J. and Osborn R., (2005). Organizational Behavior. Willey and Sons. United States of America.

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