
 Why Mubarak is out’ is an article posted on the internet in February 1, 2011. Paul Amar is the author of the article. It is an article concerning the recent event which signifies the loss of political power by the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak of the Friday, 28 January. This was the night which saw the burning down of Mubarak ruling party headquarters with no any slight intervention from the military persons. The protestors were also allowed by the police brigadier to protest in the capital. The curfew order by Mubarak was not heard. This according to Amar is the reduced authority of Mubarak in the country.

The article by Amar is a rhetorical article which questions the future of Egypt. He questions if truly Egypt would become a democratic state. Aspects which he sees are of great importance in the analysis of Egypt as a future democratic state includes the popular mobilization carried out in the social, economic, and military context. He also aims to establish the other factors which are contributing to the fall of Mubarak come September election this yarer. And his question on how the military centered government transition handles the protest movement by the   millions of strong Egyptians?

Amar as good political analysts present the opposing binary poles which have contributed to the unrests and complex momentous events happening in Egypt. The crisis is about the conflict between dictatorship verses the people, the Islamic cultures verse those of the secular people and lastly the frustrated youth verses the old Guard.

Mubarak’s power is being overtaken by the new stability coalition which takes into consideration the interest of the national capital, labor and the interests of the newly formed military. However the conventional issue about the hardcore coalition is that is also has to incorporate the internationalist Egyptians and   the local social movements and set their agendas for it’s to become a true democratic transition.

Paul Amar states that, “…even the hard-line leaders of the new cabinet will be unable to resist plugging into the will power of the uprisings among the popular, one –hundred million Egyptians” (Amar, 2011). Amar is  a  knowledgeable commentator on the  most  current issue happening in Egypt which can be seen in his  highly  detailed, long  and fascinating article, ‘Why Mubarak is Out’.

The main questions which the article presents are what will the new coalition power ruled by miller class do to enhance democracy in the nation. The unrests happening in the country is monied by the military. This is characterized by new forms of non religious social movements. The new opposition’s coalition is characterized humanitarian and internationalist’s identity in fighting against the dictatorship government of Mubarak. The interior ministry runs  the Egyptian  police force  which  is  a ministry  working  closely with  President  Mubarak. The ministry has been highly   dependent on the president since the 1980s. The police have practiced brutality such as rape and other forms of sexual brutality to deter both female and male protestors. Since then also the State security investigation has been turned into a big threat to the masses through its   touring and detaining practices for cases of local political dissidents.

The question which currently lingers is whether or not Egypt will end up to be democratic nation after the September elections.  The current unrest among the masses is sponsored by the military class (Amar, 2011). The country is also suffering from various economic set backs as well as the declining operations of the Suez Canal practices.  Mubarak has ruled the country for more than three decades now. His power is mainly dictatorship and authoritarian. The protestors fear that he and other leaders would choose to hang on to power. This is already evident in his appointment of his son Gamal Mubarak to be his successor. Mubarak believes that the Egyptian culture is archaic and barbaric in nature and that is why he uses force to tame his people. This is why the people are for the removal of the reign seen in the fight to sustain the Egyptian economy and mend the social fabric. The revolution is also supported by other countries like the Hama and Aljazeera which are the Muslims brothers supporting the rebellion. The police dressed in plain clothes keep spying those protesting and imprisoning them (Amar, 2011).Basically   the Mubarak is a military dictatorship.

The Egyptian military feels the growing urge of taking a national duty of restoring honor.  The nationalistic armed forces according to Amar are disgusted by the brutality and the corruption of the police. The army is currently the main rival of Gamal the son of President Mubarak. Gamal has privatized the public sectors and sold assets to foreign countries such as The Persian Gulf capital, the US and China (Amar, 2011)…

The Friday 28 January attack on the government head quarters was the first stage of the revolution against the authority according to Paul Amar. Through this attack and burning down of the headquarters, the country saw the coup and conflict between the central security and the police verses the military group. The conflict also triggered the    disappearance of Gamal and a dislike of Habib el Adly, the interior minister (Amar, 2011).

The wrangles between the military and Mubarak his son, the police and the internal   security puts in some controversial aspects. The military is not the supper power because it does not consider making the nation a democratic state. The Military is characterized by internal contradictions between the Air Forces and the Presidential Guard which are the Egyptian military’s sub branches. Through the recent January 28th protest night, it was seen that the Presidential Guard department fought the protesters and protected the televisions and radio buildings. The Air Forces unit on 30th January joined the protestors led by Muhammad Tantawi.

The intelligence services a part of the military which deals with interrogations, detentions and secrete operations is also not in support of Gamal Mubarak. The intelligence service works closely with the United State CIA and the American military. The revolution against Mubarak will then only be possible when the military unit and consolidate their positions and assure the Air Force and the Intelligence service that they can manage to take new movements against the ruling government and the opposition leader Elbaradei.

When reading the article by Amar he strongly puts across that Mubarak is out of power. He examines the various forces which face the president as well as his son. He is however not in full support of the consolidated military force because it may fail to uphold democracy and listen to social protects. H therefore sees that a peaceful transition is one which comprises of a consolidation of the wrangling units of the military an as well as the intelligence service into developing a new government which would fight against the opposition (Amar, 2011).


Paul Amar (2011) Why Mubarak is out. Retrieved from

Why Mubarak is Out

on February 9, 2011

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