The Entire College Experience

My college search process was quite harrowing and cumbersome as the course that I was applying for was not being offered in the colleges in my state. Hence I had to carry out intensive online searches, as well as, extensive traveling to the exact colleges to verify that they were equipped with adequate facilities as my course is quite practical.

My breakthrough came in the form of a former teacher who happened to know an official in the Department of Education who provided an overview of the credibility in various colleges. This was helpful as I was able to understand the requirements of the program and ways through which I could solicit external assistance from the industry.

I decided to enroll in this college after consulting my career counselor who recommended this institution for me. The other factor that I considered was the amount of fee paid for the program as the criteria for payments is flexible and affordable. Similarly, the college is close to industries which will provide adequate practical experiences which are mandatory for the program.

When I enrolled in this college I was overwhelmed by the nature of teaching and learning exhibited by lecturers and students. Unlike high school where teachers were all over ensuring that students understood each detail of the lesson, here everyone was left on their own. It was quite difficult for me at first but after attending lessons for one week I was able to gear up for the new expeditions.

During the orientation period, I met two of my elementary school classmates who lived in the surrounding town and they helped me learn my way across the college boundaries. Our career master was equally helpful at increasing our creativity in diversified learning capabilities and strategies. Without him I would not have attained my dream degree.

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