Networking and College Investment

Networking and College Investment

The concept college networking ideally provides better opportunities for students to venture into their respective careers. Through implementing this concept, students get a better position to exercise their present value of college investment. In Peter Vogt’s (2011) article, networking is a concept viewed as being enormously significant for career people, as well as, job searchers. Conversely, students get privileged because they get surrounded by easily accessible networking venues, which they can utilize to their value on college investment. Furthermore, according to this article U.S colleges provide sponsorship to several kinds of student organizations.

The sponsorship offered in students’ organizations provides better chances enabling students to achieve a higher Return on Investment (ROI). This sponsorship reduces the student’s financial costs for running their organizations; hence a higher ROI. In addition, these sponsorships also provide them venues and avenues to exploit available opportunities to be utilized. Students can find college alumni’s who can help them with ideas and insights on how to achieve higher ROI.

When an individual opts to ignore readily available opportunities he or she gets s to be the greatest loser. Networking as earlier mentioned offers inevitable opportunities for one to utilize. Students who utilize networking correctly decrease opportunity cost of attending college. In sharing with the experts in the field of career choice, students get knowledge, which they apply to secure their college opportunities.

Networking with career experts offers the student dependable conclusions in choosing the career or job that would fully support their college investments. The career service professional’s advice students on career paths they are willing to take; hence helping them to lower investment risk of college. Furthermore, they offer them strategic plans, which enable students to plan well for their college investments.


Peter Vogt (2011) Network on campus article (Monster Worldwide Inc)

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