Executive Summary on Implementing Telemedicine

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>Executive Summary on Implementing Telemedicine

Telemedicine/Nursing Informatics Capstone Project- Executive Summary on Implementing Telemedicine

This executive summary should include a brief introduction, background and significance of the project, theoretical plans, the project’s plan with planned intervention strategies, and an in-depth evaluation plan for assessing the project’s outcome. This executive summary should include multiple appendices that detail key components for implementing this evidence-based practice change.
This executive summary of your final capstone project should be written as a professional APA manuscript style paper. Your project will be an evidence-based practice change that is fully planned and developed ready to implement in your practice setting. Please use one chosen theory and selected QSEN standards for graduate nurses to inform your project. For the selected theory, include a brief summary of the theory, its applicability to the project, and how this theory informed the planning of your intervention. Reflect on the QSEN standards for graduate nurses and select one or two standards that informed your project. Describe how your work demonstrates achievement of these standards. Use the rubric below to help you complete this project.

MSN Capstone Executive Summary Template
use this template to guide development of your MSN Capstone Project’s Executive Summary. Each assignment in the course and the respective grading rubrics will assist you in successfully completing this course and the Final Project: MSN Capstone Executive Summary.
You will be creating a master’s level quality improvement initiative for your preferred organization and within your MSN specialization track. Please write your Executive Summary with its respective appendices as if you were preparing to present this to your CNO, Dean, or Executive Leadership Team and such that anyone could pick up this project and fully implement based upon your supportive documentation.
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American Sentinel University

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