Fall prevention in hospitalized patients

Relate to a current, relevant practice that impacts the provision of nursing care in the clinical setting (Introduction Paragraph(s) based upon current nursing Practice-Based research, state why or how this practice enhances patient safety, impact effective, and legal aspect of providing nursing care in the clinical setting.

Table of Contents

2. Have a TITLE PAGE.

3. Display appropriate headings to demonstrate logical and clear progression of thought concerning the practice.

4. Be neatly typed, demonstrating correct grammar, spelling, and style.

5. Show that an adequate literature review has been completed with a minimum of 5 cited references from within the past five years. Three references shall be peer reviewed research from nursing journals/medical journals or health related journals.

6. Present your original thought and details regarding how the policy
enhances current clinical practice of the nursing profession. Include in the
introduction AND summary paragraph(s).

7. Correctly cite resources in the text using the APA format.

2. 8. Correctly cite references on the REFERENCE PAGE.

9. The conclusion will include the future impact of the practice on the safe, effective, and legal aspect of providing nursing care in the clinical setting.
Address recommendations for further study or interventions

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