Fargo: Movie Analysis

Fargo: Movie Analysis

Table of Contents

Subject of the Film

 Fargo is a crime film that was released in 1996. Fargo, which is directed by the Cohen brothers, revolves around a homicide investigation. The homicide investigation includes police Chief Marge Gunderson who is heavily pregnant but still determined to work.  Marge is investigating a series of homicides that have been reported at her area.  The movie revolves around Jerry Lugard. Jerry, who works as an automobile salesman, is in financial crisis and requires money fast. Jerry’s wife, Jean is the daughter to a wealthy business man.

Jerry, with this friends Carl and Gaear plan to kidnap Jean and ask her father, Wade, for ransom. With the plan in action, Jerry luckily makes a real estate deal and gets the money he wants (Levin, 2009). Unfortunately, efforts to stop Carl and Gaear from kidnapping his wife fail as the kidnapping is underway.  This takes the wrong turn when Gaear shoots dead a patrol officer who had stopped them. While trying to dispose the body, a couple passes by and sees them. Gaear has no alternative but to eliminate them, as well. From then on, there occurs a series of murders and violence which police chief Marge is investigating. Carl fatally shoots Wade; he also kills a garage attendant. Gaear also kills Jean and Carl.  It is up to chief police Marge to unravel of mystery of these murders (IMDb. Com, 2012).


The movie starts with a title quote that read that the basis of the movie is true. Immediately, the viewer is drawn to see more of the true story that the movie holds. The introductory card gives viewers a sense of foreboding in which viewers are left with numerous unanswered questions.  For instance, a viewer may question why the producers chose to use real life events rather than rely on their artistic creativity. The introductory card also leaves the viewers pondering what event in real life was so exciting that it had to become a movie. This introductory card this draws the viewers to actually watch the movie.  The introductory title card also introduces viewers to the main them of the movie. In this case, Fargo is a movie based on disruption of normality and ordinary aspects of life. The fact that the movie begins with the note “this is a true story  …” is proof that an extra ordinary event occurred (IMDb. Com, 2012).

After the title card, the viewers are immediately taken to the first scene of the movie. The first image is of white particles blowing over a white background. This is evident of the cold and snowy weather conditions.  After that scene, the next immediate scene is of a car suddenly driving through the snow. These two scenes are meant to bring out more thematic emphasis. One outstanding theme is the theme of isolation.  There was hardly any life on the snowy road except for a few vehicles that passed through. After these scenes, the viewers are introduced to Jerry Lundegaad who drives into a bar. Jerry meets Carl where the plan to kidnap Jerry’s wife (IMDb. Com, 2012).


The act that character of Fargo put up is quite realistic, and viewers can easily relate with. The characters in the movie are simple with complex problems. Jerry is an ordinary salesman who gets involved with financial mismanagement issues and has to find quick source of funds. Jerry devices apian to swindle his father in law Wade some money. Unfortunately, his plan back fires and becomes his own undoing as it results to a series of deaths.


Fargo exhibits film noir characteristics. Film noir movies were common in 1940 and 50’s and revolved around a protagonist who is driven to commit a series of criminal and heinous act. All characters in the movie are in one way or another affected by the protagonist actions (Luhr, 2012).  One cinematographic aspect that stands out in Fargo is the whiteness of the movie; there is a lot of snow coverage in the entire movie. The sheer whiteness is some scenes is so blinding that it limits the vision of the scene. In the beginning of the film, the whiteness of the snow on the road almost hinders viewers from seeing the vehicle (Luhr, 2003). The movie also uses light in various instances to blind out other elements in the scene. For example, as Carl and Gaear drive through the snowy road with Jenna on board, a flash of light crosses Carl face. With the light, viewers can only see Carl’s faces as the rest of the image are eliminated. The viewers are also left with headlights as their assistance to see through the snowy weather as Carl and Gaear chase down the couple.

Art, Direction and Design

Fargo integrates the mundane western landscape into a narrative that involves blending different characters to make an exciting piece of work. The characters are in touch with modernity as indicated with the use of cars. Their clothing and accessories are modern so as to emphasize on the immediacy of the movie (Levin, 2009). The directors also intentionally choose not to follow the clichés of various scenes such as demonstrating the police chief as a mean woman out to arrests criminals. Instead the directors blend Marge personal life with her career.  The directors swiftly shift from one shot to another with the purpose of giving texture to the performances in the movie. The lonely highway roads are a representation of Marge’s problem in solving the homicide cases.

Directors Style

The director of Fargo has a unique style which he demonstrates in different scenes of the movie. One instance is during Marge first appearance to the viewers. The first clip of Marge begins with her being in bed with her husband Norm in the morning. Marge receives a phone call from her deputy about the homicides. In an ordinary movie, the director will skip the phone call details and go straight to the crime scene. The director of Fargo decided to engage viewers in the phone call conversation so that they are also fully informed of the situation in the ground (Luhr, 2003). The director of Fargo focuses on minor details that other movies do not emphasize on. The directors choose to show viewers Marge and Norm taking breakfast before proceeding to work. This is the director’s strategy of emphasizing the ordinary aspect of the characters.

Personal Reaction

            Fargo is a movie that stands the test o time. The themes stand out in any society. This is indicated by the chronological events that demonstrate how a simple plan based on greed can turn fatal. Jerry’s plan to kidnap his wife with the help of Carl and Gaear turned fatal leaving a series of dead characters on the way.  The themes of Fargo are of importance in the past, present and future world. Greed and corruption only breeds temptations and problems. This view is further cemented by Marge’s view that there is more to life that money.

Work Cited

IMDb. Com (2012). Fargo. Retrieved from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116282/
Levin, R. (2009). Movies we love. Retrieved from http://www.filmschoolrejects.com/features/movies-we-love-fargo-rlevn.php
Luhr, W. (2003). The Coen Brothers Fargo. Cambridge university press. P137-140
Luhr, W. (2012). Film noir. John Wiley & sons: p12-23

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