Twilight a romantic vampire movie
Twilight a romantic vampire movie
Twilight a romantic vampire movie, is based on the novel of Stephanie Meyer. This paper will aim at analyzing the film focusing on the movie setting, genre, themes, and acting.
Twilight is a story that is primarily set in Forks town, in Washington. This is where Bella and her father, Charlie live. There are other cities in the movie that appear or are mentioned like Seattle, Port Angeles, Olympia, and LaPush. Some of the events in the film take place in Phoenix Arizona. Phoenix is the place where Bella was raised. Volterra, Italy is also featured in the movie. This is the place where Edward goes to commit suicide, and then Bella has to go to save him. Jacksonville is also featured in the film when Bella and Edward to check on her mother who had went there with her husband. Seattle, Washington is featured in the film when Jacob tries to escape his love for Bella. The forest is also a setting of the film. Forest is usually interesting in most of the scenes. Forest in literature represents wilderness where mystery or evil may reside. Forest in twilight represents safety from the confinement of the society. The home of the Cullens is in the woods a place away from the human world. In the play, Bella happens to run to the forest when she tries to sort out if Edward is a vampire of not.
Twilight story
Twilight series is about an exceptionally plain and clumsy girl by the named Bella. Bella is a pale girl who is a child of a broken family. Bella has been living with her divorced mother in phoenix, but she now proposes to live with her father. Bella’s father is a police chief in a north western town. Bella Swan moves to a new high school where she comes across Edward Cullens. This is where she meets with Cullens a family of vampires. Cullens can be able to control their desire of feeding on humans. Edward is around hundred years old, super cool, has dark hair, very great aversion to sunshine and has pale skin. They get into a relationship and their relationship blossoms.
This poses as a danger to Bella is she falls in love with Edward. Bella’s scent is so appealing; therefore, Edward has to fight his desire to drink her blood. Other characters involved in the film include Charlie, Bella’s father, the family of Edwards, and Native Americans or werewolves who include Jacob who is Bella’s later love interest. There is intense dispute between Jacob fans and Edward fans. Although, in the film Edward has a larger number of fans than Jacob, but Jacob’s fans are more supportive of Jacob. Jacob’s fans feel compassion, and they understand the determination that Jacob has.
While, in school, Edward spends considerable time looking at Bella and pretty soon he uses his super powers to save her from various scrapes. It does not take long before he confesses his feelings for her and tells her the truth about himself. Edward is from a family of a circle of vampires that lives in the forest. This family has vowed to live only on animal flesh. Cullens have been able to adapt well to this lifestyle. Although they are not totally immune to human smell, they have been able to progress to a place where they can live amongst the normal. There is a time when vampires that love human blood come into town, and it is up to the duty of Edward and his family to make sure that Bella is safe.
When twilight was first pitched to the publisher, Stephanie called it a suspense horror romance comedy. Later she stated that romance was the greatest part of the movie. The film is not incredibly romantic but has some romantic episodes. Therefore, twilight can be referred to as a romance in the heart. Twilight can also be categorized as a young adult literature. The film clearly fits in the young adult genre. This is because of its coming age elements. In the movie, Bella is a teen, and she enters into her first romantic relationship. The audience witnesses the development of Bella as she is becoming an adult and starts to make life choices. There are some dark aspects in the movie where the director of the movie creates a mythology around the characters of the vampire. She is able to, incorporate aspects from some previous vampire movies.
Twilight style is conversational, straightforward, and it is highly accessible. This film is based on the view of a teenage girl, who is going through difficult situations and moments of self deprecating humor. The film has some cultural allusions that help in giving a sense of timeliness to play as it reflects on the desire of a young adult to be well versed in the modern trends. Twilight lapses in a melodramatic tone that is expected for the horror and romances genre. This is necessary as it is meant to heighten the effect of the plays aspects. The daily issues of adolescents and high school are always significant, but being threatened by a supernatural creature or finding the greatest love require a different approach. The style should convey the stakes the face of the characters. Therefore, love declaration between Edward and Bella is overplayed for a specific cause. It creates a sense that the romance between these characters is unique and exceptional.
Twilight story takes place in Folks and the filming in Pacific Northwest, which was a right decision. The overcast, gloomy skies add to the quality of the tale, and it is necessary because the vampires come out during daylight, but have to stay out of the sun. The bad side of the film is that there are no many romantic moments between Bella and Edward as depicted in the book. In the movie, there are extremely few incidences where Bella seem happy. It is like she is never happy even after finding out that Edward is in love with her. There are rare occurrences when Bell smiles in the film. However, Bella is the vehicle through which the audiences are carried through on the journey. Her keen intelligence leads to a mature performance. Bella is vulnerable and strong. Despite the movie having the presence of vampires, the movie is not a horror but a romance.
There is action in the film that is ignited by the arrival of the vampires, who are impossibly fine looking that lust for Bella’s blood and feed on locals. Bella performs an excellent job of appearing insecure and sulky, while she is also showing some part of her better qualities. This includes the love for her parents and intellect. Jessica in the movie is a bit of a pill. She is a phony girl, who most of the time seems to be drawn close to Bella. This is because she is the new girl and this makes her inherently fascinating. Angela is more sincere in her friendship, who Bella tend to encourage when her nervousness appear to be robbing her of a treasured experience. The bigger part of this film is about Edward and Bella.
Edward spends much of the time in the movie with a pain expression on his face, but the moment he smiles, there is sweetness from him. Edward is gorgeous, intelligent, athletic and extremely ethical. He is much stronger than Bella, and despite having been faithful to his diet for decades, there is part of him that thirsts for human blood. Twilight is a movie about self control. This is evident in the many ways that Edward put on the physical boundaries that he places in his relationship with Bella. This is quit refreshing in the teen movie, in such a permissive age. There is no profanity in the movie, as the romance between Bella and Edward is about restraints. In most parts of the series, there is nothing more intense than just a kiss between these two characters in terms of sensuality.
There are several themes that are evident in the play. The first theme is
Love and romance
The theme of love and romance emerge in the film when Edward and Bella unit and this adventure results to a union. Bella and Edward represent the balance between human intellect and vampiric passion and they can also be a predator and prey if the balance happens to be lost. Another example of love and romance is the pairing of the Jessica and Mike, Esme and Carlisle, and Rosalie, and Emmett. However, there is incredibly little that is shown about their relationship in the play. Romance and love takes trial and error, and this is why Bella takes the role of a matchmaker for her human friends. This is also the reason why Renee finds happiness with Phil. Romance is also evident when Bella flirts with Jacob, which helps in leading her to the truth about her love. Because of her manipulative attention, Jacob falls more in love with her.
Change and risk
The theme of change and risk is almost related to the theme of romance and love. Falling in love is a case of grabbing an opportunity and hoping that it works for the best. Twilight starts with a change when Bella moves from Phoenix to Forks. At the end of the play, Bella is ready for another change because she wants to be a vampire out of the love she has for Edward. There are key decisions that change the situation that new opportunities can be grabbed. Edward is putting his life, and also the entire Cullen’s family at risk when he changes his attitude towards human, and then decides to bring Bella closer to him than ever. Twilight ends with a change pending for Bella and Edward. The two had conquered the difficult of being unusual couple. Bella wanted another change, which was to become a vampire so that she would stay with Edward forever. Edward refuses this change as he believes that the risk is greater than what Bella can understand. She would not understand that she would become a monster and this reward which was Edward was not worth it.
Humanity and mortality
Humanity and mortality is a theme that encompasses the motif of vampirism. Vampires are a species that are traditionally placed as being against and above human as they are immortal and prey on human blood. Human in twilight represents intellect, reason, and limited perspective. Vampires defy mortality and are thus gifted with a wider perspective. They have a much sharper senses, different sense of time, and heightened physical abilities. The price that vampires have to pay for this perspective is the desire for human blood. This is draining of the humanity of vampires as they perform an act of cannibalism and murder. Bella is willing to give her mortality and humanity for Edward so that she is always with him. She also wants to save herself from the problems that come with being a human in a world of vampires. Edward acts out of love when he denies Bella her desire to be a vampire, as he sees the human experience as being precious to give up and mortality is a price to pay.
Twilight has three key families that include the Blacks, the Cullens, and the Swans. The parents of Bella divorced, and her mother got married to someone else. The Cullens are children who have been adopted through vampirism. Billy Black is a widower. The theme of the family is expanded as it includes nontraditional models. The family is based on love and obligations that are commonly shared for the members of the family. The strength of the family ties is evident in the play, but the positive side of it is not clear. Bella has sacrificed herself twice for her mother during the end and start of the film. Bella moves to Forks for the sake of the marriage of Renee to Dwyer. She also offered her life to James thinking that her mother was endangered. Carlisle Cullen also becomes a vampire out of the desire to, please his father. The theme of the family is clearly developed when Cullen family welcome Bella as one of their own. Rosalie does not like Bella; however, she has to comply with the decision of the general family.
Free agency and fate
Free agency theme is present all through the play. Bella seem compelled to stay with Edward no matter who he is that it appears as if she lack free agency. Bella frames this as a decision meaning that she knows there is an alternative on whether she felt free to choose it or not to choose it. Carlisle has been able to overcome his instincts of rising above the killer he was. The first time Edward met Bella, he did not think that he would have the power to decide not to kill her. Later, he is able to make a decision which he lives with.
Self control
Self control is a key theme in the film. The vampires are supposed to have incredible self control. Carlisle shows self control by being able to perform surgery on human without allowing the blood to attract him closely. Self control can be seen as the key for overcoming instincts or destiny. Edward is also able to exert self control. In his relationship with Bella, he is able to be close to her even with her scent that is attractive to him. Bella is not skilled in self control, as she tends to lose some self control when Edward gets closer to her even when she knows that her life could be at risk.
Popularity and beauty
The theme of popularity and beauty are minor in this play. Bella being a new student in high school, she earns the attention of many boys who wish to date her. Bella is not happy with the popularity that she has and he manages to even her popularity by being a part of the Cullen. Beauty in the play is fatal as the beauty that the vampires have is part of the way they attract their prey. This is the biological beauty that attracts a creature to the predator. An attraction exists between Edward and Bella. Bella’s essence is an enticing one that Edward has ever faced being a vampire. Beauty has a spiritual component. In the play, Edward is able to resist his instinct to attack Bella who is a perfect meal, because he is learning to love her.
Hardwicke, C (director) 2008. Twilight (motion picture) Summit Entertainment
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