Forms of Child Abuse

Rape is among the forms of abuse experienced by children. The united nation study indicates 14% of girls and 7% of boys have been raped. This is equivalent to 150 million and 73 million children respectively have been raped.  The study also reveals that physical and sexual abuse among children is something which is both approved and hidden among the various cultures around the world.

Health education is an important aspect which can help in the prevention of sexual abuse among children. This means that the role of the health educator is to provide a comprehensive form of education to children at all the age levels even at childhood stages.  Programs which are evidence based should be provided to the children who address their personal safety to develop their awareness and knowledge about neglect and child abuse. This also means teaching them on life skills (Edwards, 2006).

The health educator also has to provide children with programs to promote their social; emotional; learning. This will help children especially in cases where they are mistreated so that they can know how to cope and be resilient in handling the challenges they face. Some of the  most essential skills which  should be  provided include, empathy, corporation , decision making, empathy, communication , impulse control, goal setting , conflict resolution among  others.

Prevention programs are those which provide children with the message that schools are safe and they are the places where they can seek help. Health services to children are to ensure that children are able to grow well in their social, mental, emotional and in their physical aspects.  The heath educator should help the child in detection of abuse, prevention of abuse, neglect and treatment (Massey-Stokes, & Lanning, 2004).

In many cultures across the world acknowledge that parents have the responsibility and duty to discipline their children. Spanking is one of the most appropriate ways which parents have used to discipline their children.  Some countries have however passed   legislation and changed their attitudes in the recent years to prevent parents from domestic corporal punishment Sweden and other Scandinavian countries have outlawed the practice.

Other countries like Hong Kong and Singapore are still a legal and encouraged practice as long as it’s one’s own child.   This difference is mainly because of the difference of values based on their live experiences. This is an aspect which has impacted on the attitudes towards p domestic corporal punishment among families in America. The important aspect for both teachers and parents is to know the safer ways of punishing children (Human Right watch, 1999).


Edwards, S. (2006,). Many cultures accept ‘shocking’ child abuse. Leader Post, p. A.3.

Massey-Stokes, M., & Lanning, B. (2004). The role of CSHPs in preventing child abuse and neglect. The Journal of School Health, 74(6), 193-194.

Human Rights Watch (1999) Spare the child: corporal punishment in Kenyan Schools

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