Fundamentals in Management
Fundamentals in Management
Management encompasses the various processes that facilitate the day-to-day operations in an organization. Although management plays different roles in an organization, there are four major functions. Organizing is one of the core functions of management. It encompasses the systematization of operations within an organization. Planning serves as another critical function of management. Through planning, organizations can easily identify and set the right priorities based on the available resources.
Leading involves setting the appropriate path for others to follow. Without the right leadership frameworks, organizations would not perform as expected. The fourth function of management involves controlling. The control function is essential in terms of regulating and monitoring the progress of activities in an organization. Coca-Cola is among the most prestigious firms in the globe. Effective management systems have been massive contributors to the company’s consistent success. This paper will assess performance of Coca-Cola’s management team in terms if the core functions.
In management, planning encompasses the establishment of a comprehensive program of organizational operations. As a core management function, it caters for immediate organizational needs as well as long term objectives. In essence, planning has strong connections with the other functions of management. This is because it facilitates for coordination. Effective planning occurs in different stages. Firstly, it encompasses the identification of organizational objectives. This forms the basis of systematic management within an organization (Hill, 2009).
The identification of potential alternatives is another vital element of planning. This helps in stabilizing the entire management system in the organization. The management team at Coca-Cola has an excellent reputation of effective planning. Through effective plans, the company has had tremendous success. The company’s management focuses on immediate planning needs as well as long terms organizational perspectives. This forms the basis of goal clarity in the organization.
In management, organizing encompasses the harmonization of human and financial resources in order to enhance organizational productivity. Through this function, the company determines the most appropriate set of activities in line with organizational goals. The categorization of these activities is also a critical aspect of organizing. It forms the basis of allocating duties within the company’s workforce. Delegation of tasks in the organization depends on the skills and abilities of employees.
This is vital towards the development of stable relationships within the workforce. Consequently, the organization can streamline productivity. At the Coca-Cola Company, the management team has had outstanding success in the implementation of this function. Tasks and responsibilities in this company are allocated in accordance with the skills of employees. This helps in maximizing their productivity. The organizing function of management has also been essential in enhancing the levels of specialization within the workforce at the Coca-Cola Company (Griffin, 2011).
Companies or organizations would barely attain their targets without having astute leadership frameworks. Leading is the third function of management and involves the establishment of the appropriate leadership frameworks. Supervision is an essential component of leading in management. Through supervision, the company ensures that employees are heading in the right direction (Hill, 2009). It would be difficult to direct the employees in an organization without having sufficient communication systems (Griffin, 2011). Consequently, communication serves as a vital component of management.
At the Coca-Cola Company, all systems are based on excellent leadership systems. The management team in this company ensures that employees are familiar with their tasks. This is achieved through astute communication systems. Although the company has establishments in all parts of the world, the management team has been effective in terms of directing. Rewards and bonuses are the main forms of motivation in this company (Hill, 2009).
Control is the fourth main function of management. It serves the role of monitoring and regulating operations in the company. Through control systems, organizations identify the various areas of weakness in the organization and thus form the basis of appropriate action. At the Coca-Cola Company, the management team uses the control function of management in different ways. Firstly, all employees are monitored regularly.
This helps in ensuring that they do not violate the company’s policy. It is also an excellent strategy for safeguarding organizational culture (Griffin, 2011). Although some employees are not content with the control operations, most understand that it is an integral component of the company’s structure. Prior to signing contracts, employees in this organization must familiarize themselves with the various standards of evaluation. Consequently, they must comply with the assessment teams. This has been essential in streamlining the control function in the organization. Through these operations, the company can identify the underperforming employees and implement the necessary action. This has had a desirable impact upon the company’s performance.
The four main functions of management are evident throughout the paper. They have formed the basis of exemplary performance at the Coca-Cola Company for many years. As a core management function, planning caters for immediate organizational needs as well as long term objectives. In essence, planning has strong connections with the other functions of management. Through the function of organizing, the company determines the most appropriate set of activities in line with organizational goals.
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