Griffith Observatory: Report

Griffith Observatory: Report

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Griffith observatory is an educational attraction that focuses on space and science related displays. Located in Los Angeles, Griffith observatory is one of the most popular attractions in south California. Construction of the observatory began in 1933 and by 1935 it opened to the public. Since 1935, the observatory has been open to the public and all individual interested in learning about astronomy, the solar system and physics. The observatory stands tall in Los Angeles as it is over 1000 feet above sea level. Griffith observatory mission is to inspire all to observe, ponder and understand the sky. The observatory is named Griffith in recognition of Griffith J. Griffith, a man who donated the land where the observatory stands (Griffithobservatory. Org, 2012).

Upon his death, Griffith donated some of his funds to finance the construction of an observatory centre, an exhibit hall and a planetarium on his piece of land. The observatory remains in its original status except for renovations done in 1964 and 2002. The need for renovations was inevitable as the building was crumbling due to old age. Renovators, determine not to alternative the original look of the observatory retained its exterior art deco, but had to replace the planetarium done that had aged significantly.

On 15th November 2012, I made a visit to Griffith Observatory. He trip to the observatory would not be enjoyable alone, so I gathered a few of my classmates and friends and headed to the site. The rationale of the visit was to gather information about  physics in the world.  The observatory remains closed on Mondays and most Tuesdays hence my choice to visit it on Thursday, a day I was certain they will be open. The drive to the observatory was with ease as the observatory’s website has all the information on how to get there. I simply entered the observatory’s address to my GPS, which acted as a guide to the location. The first thing one enjoys once he is at the observatory is the magnificent view of Los Angeles (Griffithobservatory. Org, 2012).

The observatory stands tall in Los Angeles. From different views, it is possible to view the Hollywood sign, down town Los Angeles and the Pacific Ocean. Visitors can see this before entering the observatory. Once inside the experience is magnificent as a visitor can be lost for choice over what to do first. However, the observatory remains open till 10pm hence there was adequate time to visit any areas we preferred. The observatory offers options such as visiting the exhibits, looking through the public telescope, and a planetarium. The observatory also has a book store that offers interested visitors with additional literary information on various astronomy and science topics. There is also a café for nourishment and drinks.  Determined to learn from the visit, I selected two main areas to visit, the planetarium and the exhibits.The trip turned out to be educational, informational as well as relaxing to the mind. There are several scie3ntific issues that I learned. However, there are two that stood out the most: the physics behind the rotation of the earth and Fiber optic technology and its use.

Foucault pendulum: Understanding the Rotation of the Earth

One of the most impressive exhibits I saw was the Foucault pendulum.  The Foucault pendulum is a basic device used to display earth’s rotation. It is common knowledge that the earth rotates, but prior to the invention of the Foucault pendulum there had been no proof to show the earth’s rotation.  The pendulum was the first exhibit that visitors saw when the Griffith observatory opened to the public.

Understanding how the Foucault pendulum works requires an understanding of the basic physics of its operations.  For example, a pendulum is an object hanging on a fixed point, and when pulled back, it swings back and forth due the force of gravity and inertia. Inertia is a physics occurrence that states that bodies that are in motion stays in motion unless there is interference by an external force (Mansfiled, & O’Suliivan, 2012). Historically a pendulum was used for purposes such as keeping time. However, a pendulum such as the Foucault’s pendulum can be used to measure gravity, affected by factors such as; distance from the center of the earth, masses attracting upwards and the density of matter.

Prior to Foucault, physicists such as Aristarchus and Copernicus tried to explain to society that the world is round and rotates around the sun. This is the historical information that the museum guide gives us before observing the pendulum.  The guides indicate that it was only after scientists such as Newton discovered the element of inertia that the theory of earth rotation appeared to gain some acceptance in the society (Lowrie, 2007). However, it is the scientific discover by Foucault that a pendulum can be used to show the earth rotation that proved this scientific theory.

At the observatory, I learned that the rotation of the earth occurs due to forces such as the centrifugal force. This is an outward force that draws a body from rotation’s centre. The centrifugal energy occurs due to the  inertia of the body. When discussing the rotation of the earth, one visitor questions whether the centrifugal force can be strong enough to throw people out of the earth. As much as the question sounded silly, it led to the discovery that other than the centrifugal force during the rotation of the earth there also is the element of gravity (Signell, 2002). The centrifugal force is not faster than gravity hence ensures that the earth’s rotational speed is not too fast to throw people off balance.

At Griffith Observatory, the Foucault pendulum is at the W. M. Keck Foundation Central Rotunda. The pendulum has been in the observatory since 1935. Determined to keep it in its original form, the pendulum is among the world’s largest devices in the world. The Foucault pendulum has a 240 pound brass ball that is suspended by 40 feet long cable. According to the guide, the pendulum swings in a constant direction in relation to how the earth is turning beneath it. The pendulum is also mounted to a bearing that has a magnetic ring used to tag each swing of the pendulum (Griffithobservatory. Org, 2012). In 24 hours, the pendulum swings and hits the pins set up in the pendulum pit thus indicating the rotation of the earth.

The Star Projector: Fiber- Optic Technology

Griffith’s observatory is home to the star projector, which uses the latest technology in the planet. I was in awe over the star projector due to its ability to recreating real like situations.  The star projector uses fiber-optics technology to provide accurate and inspiring planetarium full of stars. The advanced use of fiber optic technology that is in use with the star projector is magnificent. The star projector uses a computerized system to give visitors a detailed view of the sky with many stars. The other factor about the star projector is that it can be manipulated to show how the sky and the stars looked like in history.

The history of planetarium projectors dates back to 1924 when scientists created the first modern planetarium projector in Germany. Scientists created the projectors with the operational design that they are placed in a dark area so as to project an accurate image of the star. The projectors would also allow viewers to see any other astronomical objects they wished to see. The first projector had large projection lenses supported by a large angle cage. Subsequent projectors from mark II to Mark VI adopted a similar structure. Further modification to Mark VII and XI show that the projector uses a single star shape design, and the projectors are egg-shaped. The emergence of advanced technology has seen the projectors evolved from using digital technology to optic technology. Optic technology offers more clarity and a real like experience compared to previous technologies.

The success of the star projectors lies in the emergence of fiber optic technology. A demonstration of how the star projector works clearly show that the discovery of fiber technology is one of the most advanced invention in mankind. Fiber optic communication operates under the principle that light can carry information over long distances if it uses a glass medium. With improved technology, scientists are able to manufacture pure glass fiber which is used to transmit digitized light signals. Optic fiber technology is thus the ideal transmission medium compared to electrical signals.

The physics behind fiber optic technology interests me because it is the direction taken in technologies and innovations. Fiber optic technology guarantees that societies will continue to be innovative and engage in process improvement by adopting this technology. Fiber optic technology works under the principal of reflection of light (Sanger, 2002). Light either reflects or refracts based on the angle it strikes a surface. Light reflection refers to the bouncing back of light, whereas refraction refers to alteration of the direction of light due to the angle. Fiber optic technology works by controlling the angle of light waves transmission. It is by controlling transmission of light waves that one can determine how the light efficiently reaches its destination.

The fascinating aspect of fiber optic technology is that the fiber optic is as thin as human hair. However, it is this thin fiber optic that consists of the technology of light transmission. A single optical fiber consists of three sections: the core, the cladding and the buffer coating. The core refers to the slender glass at the center of the optic fiber where light passes. The cladding is the outer element that surrounds the core. It is vital for ensuring that light reflects to the core. The buffer coating, on the other hand, is the outer  element that guards the fiber against external elements and damage. For the purpose of transfer of light, the fiber optic cable passes through the core by reflecting from the cladding. This is in a process known as total internal reflection (Fredenrich, 2007).

The cladding does not take light from the core hence allows the light wave to travel vast distances. In the case of the Zeus projector, in Griffith Observatory, the fiber optic technology is essential to enhance communication. First there is a transmitter that produces and encoded light signals. The optic fiber then conducts light signals, which are then received by the optical receivers which then decode the light to images that viewers see from the projectors. Fiber optic technology is the future direction that scientists need to adopt. Fiber optic is cheap and has a higher carrying capacity as they can be connected into bundles. Fiber optic technology is also reliant on light signals and not electricity hence minimizes the occurrences of interruptions.

In conclusion, the experience at Griffiths Observatory was quite educative. The view of how the projectors work with the assistance of fiber optic technology was eye opening on the direction that technology should be headed. Fiber optic represents the backbone of nations across the world. Initially fiber optic technology was expensive, but gradually the cost went down and the technology became affordable.  Fiber optic technology as seen in the Zeus projectors can be used to recreate events such as viewing how the stars looked like decades ago. This would not have been possible without fiber technology that relies on light. A visit to the exhibit of the Foucault pendulum allowed me to review how the earth rotates. It is common for man to assume that the earth function the way it is as its nature. However, the stability and rotation of the earth is due to interaction of different forces. The Foucault pendulum demonstrates how the earth gradually moves in 24hours.

Work Cited

Fredenrich, C. (2007). How fiber optics work. Retrieved from

Griffithobservatory. Org (2012).  About Griffith observatory. Retrieved from

Lowrie, W. (2007). Fundamentals of Geophysics. Cambridge University Press. 44

Mansfiled, M. & O’Suliivan, C. (2012). Understanding physics. John Wiley & Sons.171

Sanger, G. (2002). How fiber optics works. The American institute of physics

Signell, P. (2002). Acceleration and force in a circular motion. Michigan state university

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