Health Care:Technology


Growth in technology has brought a revolution in the field of healthcare. Before, health applications available today were not there. Today they are myriads of technology gadgets used in the health care procedures, like diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patience. Health applications have made health care provision more efficient. With advances in technology, health care applications are expected to be more sophisticated and efficient in future.

Trends and issues in Health care

Health care applications used today differ substantially from those which were used in the past; many differences are observed especially in the aspect of technology. Early health applications did not have the sophistication that the applications have today. The early health care applications did not require the expertise to use as today’s do. The computer technology has brought a lot of changes to the health care applications, for example, the Tomography scans used today for diagnosis of internal body tissues, and which provide a three dimensional view of specimen were not used in the past.

The sophistication of today’s health care applications requires considerable training of healthcare practitioners to effectively use them; earlier health care applications were simple and as such only little training for the users was required. Future health applications are expected to be more sophisticated and efficient as compared to those used today. This is because technology is so dynamic and new inventions occur by the day, Valdez & Brennan et al. (2009).

The aspect of technology which has the biggest effect on health care is the computer technology. Computers have made the health care practice more effective. There are broad areas where the computer technology has improved health care practice; for example the CT scans used to day to for x-ray images have enabled doctors’ diagnose internal organs complications with considerable accuracy; compared to the X-ray imaging used before which provided a two dimensional view. The computer technology has also helped physicians to properly run health care practice through the use of EHR systems.

The electronic health records provides a lot of detail to physicians, this enables them to conduct the health care procedures effectively. Patient information provided by the information systems is used to diagnose more effectively the complications of patients. Before the advent of computers all process in health care used to be run manually. Manual operations are less accurate compared to computers operations, which are more accurate because human error is removed, Conn (2010).

The main regional informatics organization available in Florida is the centre for health informatics, at the Florida state university. The centre conducts research in the field of health informatics, for example, research on new technologies; it also educates students on health information systems, a technology which will make health care provision more efficient.

The centre also partners with health care organizations to provide practical health care solutions to patients. There centre has provided many health care benefits to the residents of Florida, the new health technologies developed in the centre provide accurate and effective health solutions to the residents. The health information technology educated to students in the centre will provide Florida with the best health practitioners who will improve health care procedures, and as a result the residents will enjoy better health standards, Hebda & Czar (2009).


Valdez, R.S & Brennan, P.F et al. (2009). Human factors and ergonomics in home care: current concerns and future considerations for health information technology. Work, 33(2), 201

Conn, J. (2010). One step closer. Modern Healthcare, 40(36). Retrieved from EBSCOhost

Hebda, T. & Czar, P. (2009). Handbook for nurses and health care professionals (4th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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