Health Informatics

Study Level:Master
Page Count:10
Number of sources:10
Topic:Health Informatics
Order Number:4855
Details:Course reflection paper designed for you to consider what new
or interesting topics that you have encountered during the course May
include any information covered during the course in text or in
reading Also address any preconceptions or misconceptions that you had
at the beginning of the course You may also demonstrate you
understanding significance or application of course content using your
current or past work settings or practice Has it affected your view of
health informatics or may change your future behavior concerning use
of health information technology Introduction A paragraph about your
initial response about the course, pre- or mis-conceptions that you
may have had if appropriate, and if they have changed during the
course The body of the paper should provide more detail about each of
the three topics: Defining each of the topics. Providing examples of
the topics and their use Identifying application or use of the topics
in your current or future work situation or practice Include: A
general overall statement of what you have learned, its application to
future work, practice or life pursuits? Use examples or illustrations
from work or other relevant experiences. Are there any skills,,
information or application you can identify or use The last paragraph
you must indicate the main points that you presented in the paper and
any conclusions that you have arrived at by the end of the course
Submisson The paper should be at least 10 pages double spaced, word
processed, using times 12 point, not including the title or references
pages. APA style Suggested Topics: Foundation of knowledge model
Informatics related web sites DIKW model Computer science Cognitive
science and informatics Ethical Dilemma framework nursing informatics
nursing terminologies: NIC, NOC, and NANDA Nursing informatics roles,
competencies, and skills HITECH and HIPAA Meaningful use Electronic
Health record and clinical ifnformatics Clinical information system
Consumer information HONcode and Trust-e Website cert Community Pop
Health- Public health sites Patient safety- Anything health
informatics related I’m a labor and delivery nurse

Table of Contents

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