Hotel Rwanda the Film

Hotel Rwanda the Film

Hotel Rwanda is a film with the character of a hotel manager Paul who uses his love for his family and skills as a businessman to save the lives of more than 1200 people during the genocide in Rwanda. This film show moral equality, human interdependence, and unity as social objectives. As portrayed in the film, Paul who is the hotel manager shows the need for unity and him and his wife decides to turn their hotel into a refugee camp where thousands of people get accommodation.

Unity and moral equality are seen as a social obligation and not philosophical ideals. People need to treat other members from the different cultural background as equal. Paul does not only save the Hutus but also takes the obligation of saving the Tutsi. It is the obligation of every person to treat others as equal as they have a moral claim of being treated alike.

In the article, the challenge of cultural relativism by Rachels, he states that there is no objective standard that can be used in judging a societal code better than the other. Hutus violated the rights of the Tutsis just because they were from different backgrounds. This is a violation of the rights of others to live. It is the obligation of other countries to intervene and bring peace to the country which they failed to do so.

Michael Ignatieff states in his article that, every human being has a right to live freely without being attacked by others because of cultural differences. It is ethical for people to show concern for the cultural background of others. In the film, Paul and his family was able to save lives of many without even looking on their cultural background.


“The challenge of cultural relativism” accessed on 5th November 2012 from–Cultural%20Relativism.htm
Hotel Rwanda” Accessed on 5th November 2012 From

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