The Human Service Ethics Standards Compared to Biblical Standards
The Human Service Ethics Standards Compared to Biblical Standards
The human ethics service standards deal with the reply to and in expectancy of the course of human problems and needs in the late 20th century. Featured especially by approval of human in all of their diversity, a human service provides help to its clients within the context of their environment and society. Human services professionals provide several roles, which include; care to give, advice, education and behavior changing among other tasks. Furthermore, human service professionals use ethical guidelines inform of a set of standards to conduct them in providing professional decision making.
The Bible provides various scriptures describing the manner in which we should treat others, as well as, taking care of them. For example, gentleness as a trait unfolding the way in which we treat other people is elucidated (Galatians 5:22-23). This scripture discloses the characteristics one should have in order to care and treat others with dignity and respect such as in love, patience, faithfulness and gentleness among other traits.
In addition, II Corinthians 10:1 makes a call for meekness and gentle care for other as exemplified by Christ Jesus. Matthew 22: 39 and Mark 12:31 describe how one should treat others “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” As if not enough, Galatians 6: 1 describes how a sinner among spiritual believers should be taken care of; through restoration and gentleness.
Both Human Service ethics and Biblical standards focus on the proper treatment of human beings in respect and dignity. Additionally, like Galatians 6: 1 elucidates how one should be advised on moral values; the same advice gets offered in Human Service ethics by the professional caregivers or advisers. In addition, they both solve the anticipated humanly problems and needs.
Biblical standards get based on spiritual understanding aimed at influencing morality in humanity. On the other hand, Human service ethics standards get based on the mortal human treatment and dignified care. Human Service ethics standards offer professional-client relationship standards while the biblical standards provide no professional-client relationship standard rather it is based on religious sentiments.
National Organization for Human Services (1996) retrieved from
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