Impacts of Media in Politics

Impacts of Media on Politics

Evidence shows that media is something necessary in day to day activities. In US, media has a significant impact on the issue of politics although this situation is common in other countries. Media influences politics of the presidency to a greater level, and that is why citizens rely on evidence and information they get from the media. In respect to American politics, media is known on how it plays a vital role from the president’s campaign to the presidency term. It is through media a president shapes his or communication to the public and develops strategies on setting country’s agenda. A successful president should interact with media in order to reach the public in the right angle. Research indicates that a president who interacts with media benefits in different ways and that are why most candidates who want to become presidents always interact with the media, (Popkin, 2009).

Campaigning period is the point where media develops its impact on the president’s politics. The president works with the selected staff and media firms in order to reach the public. In order to appeal to the voting public, the president works with the selected team to create an image that appeals to the people. The work of the staff in developing image of the president is working through media and develops the best communication strategy. Individuals working close to the president develops strategies on controlling news coverage by restricting the media from areas that might affects the image of the president. America is an ideal country whose president fate is to some point determined by the influence of the media. Getting familiarity through media has allowed different people not only in US, but in other countries become presidents at their election period, (Mondak, 2010).

Media can build the image of the aspiring president in any direction. Staffs who closely work with the media can ensure that the public is reached with the ideal image of the president.  Evidence shows that a president may be unable to visit all the places of the country, but media can help him, or her develop a clear image or a faulty image to the people. Candidates should work closely with the media and show their superior image which will be transferred to the public through media means. The media have the potential to draw the audience of people towards the campaigns of a given candidate. In other words, the media and the candidate aspiring for the president should have a close relationship that is positive. The media or person in need of familiarity requires each other, and that is the main reason why both must support each other for survival, (Fogarty & Wolak, 2012).

The campaigning period is the most necessary time when a candidate should have an appealing image for the public. Although the campaign period of a candidate is short it means a lot and carries a lot of obstacles that may affect the public view of the candidates image. The time may be limited for changing attitudes of the public hence create a situation where the candidate looses interest in politics. The history of American politics is a clear indication that media is necessary for candidates who aspires for positions in the politics. News papers, radio, and television are some of the common forms of media that candidates use during their campaign period. A candidate must announce in advance that he or she is running for a given position in order to allow media develop the right image to the public. Evidence shows that media uses past experience of a candidate in creating the image to the public, (Barabas & Jerit, 2009).

Candidates use their past success in developing a wholesome image to the public. Recently, American went into presidential elections where two main candidates were campaigning over the presidency position. Each of the candidates applied his past success to show how ideal he is and deserves to be elected. Although they had different ideas to the public, they took one key idea which they used to develop something known as a slogan that media used to advertise them to the public. President Obama and his counterpart had a different message they used in the media in order to convince voters for their elections. Media has and is the best way that candidates use in passing the message to the public. Candidates who develops the best slogan and uses the right media channel may ensure that the target group is familiar with the idea and will have no single reason to elect another candidate apart from him, (Popkin, 2009).

Creating an appealing image to the public is easy and can only be achieved through media. Media therefore, helps candidates create a desired image which is then communicated to the target group in the best approach possible. Candidates who perform best in their campaigns always use the right media which consistently communicate their message to the public throughout campaigning period. The consistent approach helps the general public always remember about the candidate something that is of beneficial to the candidate during the voting period. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first candidate to use media in his presidential campaigns.

In order to gain support from the public, he used notorious chats that no other single candidate was able to handle. Since then, different presidential candidates have gone to media in order to create an appealing image to the public. This approach has assisted different candidates perform, and other fail in the same campaign period. It only depends on how a candidate uses media to pass relevant information to the public about a given slogan, (Chaffee & Stacey, 2006).

With the right type of media and message for the public, evidence shows that media have helped different presidential candidates create the right image. It is difficult to change a given image of a certain candidate thus when creating an image to the public, candidates should be keen and use the right image. Media helps candidates seen as powerful leaders who are reliable and have the potential to lead people. If a clear image is created to the general public, it becomes easier for the candidate to convince voters on his capabilities just like the current president Obama did during the last presidential elections. Jimmy Carter is an example of presidential aspirants in American who were unable to convince the general public on his candidature. The media developed the image of Carter as someone who was unable to control people or situations thus he was not an ideal person for the presidency position, (Barabas & Jerit, 2009).

According to the American constitution, a president should be the person who resembles power and have strong leadership skills in order to leader the American society. Media has become the right channel for candidates to prove their candidature. President Obama is among the few candidates who have used media to gain public voters and be reelected for the presidency in the second term. It all depends on how well the candidate uses media to develop the best public image that appeals to the voters.

Media in the current American politics is the best tool that helps the public view different candidates on the capabilities on how they develop their image. Media offers different forms of image development simply because a candidate can use news papers, commercials, radio and television that reach public.  A plan is required to create a slogan that touches the public and recognize the candidate, (Chaffee & Stacey, 2006).

The current American governing rule is based on the watchdog theory. In respect to this, media tries to focus on the challengers of a given presidential aspirant. Most media focus on individuals who challenge the power creating a conducive environment for candidates who are for the power. Media plays a vital role in weighing all candidates and developing the ideal one who is seen to have the desired qualities. The challenger may use weakness of the current president in building his own image. Election of a president entirely depends on how voters have perceived the image of a given candidate, (Fogarty & Wolak, 2012).

The effect of media does not end at the campaign periods. After the election, media may develop the image of the president through his term. President Roosevelt and Obama are two prominent leaders who have used media to create public support even when they are in the office. Through the media, a president may be able to show the public the beneficial he or she is to thepart to the country. Through economic programs, President Roosevelt was able to prove to the society that he was of benefit hence gained public support. President Obama is another leader through his healthcare program has proved to the public that he deserves a second chance of which in he was given. Media also helps the elected candidates adjust to their place of work, and as a result they do not portray a negative image on slight mistakes that may develop during the adjustment period in newly elected positions, (Mondak, 2010).

In summary, the media and president in the US politics must work closely in order to develop an appealing image of the president to the public. The two must influence each other, and this situation starts during the campaigning period. Media is a necessary campaigning tool for presidency candidates simply because it is through media candidates develops their image to convince voters on their candidature. Evidence shows that apart from developing image to the public, media helps the president in different ways get support from the public. It also creates the environment to determine the ideal leader among many who have an interest on the same position.


Barabas, J. & Jerit, J. (2009). Estimating the Causal Effects of Media Coverage on Policy specific Knowledge: Florida State University Press
Chaffee, S. & Stacey, F. (2006). “How Americans Get Political Information: Print versus Broadcast News.” Annals of the American Academy 546(July): 48–58
Fogarty, J. B. & Wolak, J. (2012). The Effects of Media Interpretation for Citizen Evaluations of Politicians’ Messages. Journal of New Media & Society. Retrieved from,, On November 22, 2012
Mondak, J. J. (2010). Newspapers and Political Awareness. American Journal of Political Science 39(May): 513–27
Popkin, S. L. (2009). The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

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