Implementation Plan

Implementation Plan

Jamba Juice is a firm that offers healthy juices and snacks. Although most of the company’s operations are in United States, it also has operations in different foreign countries. In order to streamline its performance, it is vital to develop an effective implementation plan of the company’s strategy. The implementation plan provides a comprehensive framework for all the essential components of the strategy. Strategic controls are also critical factors that will affect the performance of Jamba Juice. The strategic controls help in averting potential pitfalls that can undermine the company’s performance. This paper seeks to provide an implementation plan for the strategic plan of Jamba Juice. The plan will also encompass the development of contingency plans for the different risks.


  1. To increase the value of Jamba Juice by at least 5% in 2 years.  The rise in the company’s value is a vital element for remaining competitive in the market.
  2. To enhance the generation of revenues by 6% in the next 1 year. Revenues form the basis of profitability at Jamba Juice. An increase of 6% is vital towards boosting the company’s income.
  3. To mitigate the various risks facing Jamba Juice in the market. Risks have an inherent capacity to undermine the productivity of the organization. However, Jamba Juice will mitigate such risks through the strategic action plan.
  4. To improve the brand awareness of Jamba Juice by 5% over the next 2 years. Brand awareness is an important aspect that facilitates for the company’s competitiveness. Brand awareness helps in boosting the demand of the company’s products in both the local and international markets.
  5. To streamline the allocation of resources at Jamba Juice. Allocation of resources is a vital component in terms of enhancing the company’s productivity and efficiency.

Functional Tactics

Functional tactics comprise of actions that facilitate for the implementation of an organization’s strategy. In essence, they provide an outline of activities that encompass the various stages of implementing the company’s strategy. For Jamba Juice, functional tactics will form an essential platform for fulfilling the various organizational goals. There are two main approaches that will streamline the functional tactics at Jamba Juice. These approaches might be customer-focused or product-focused.

Customer-focused Functional Tactics

For Jamba Juice, there are different functional tactics focused on the customer. The first tactic involves the evaluation of customer needs. Different clients have different preferences. While purchasing products from Jamba Juice, some consumers might have the intention of boosting their immune system. Consequently, the company must develop a juice that is highly nutritious. Customer cost is another vital element of the functional tactics.Most customers purchase a product after comparing its cost with other similar products (Ireland, 2008). Jamba Juice must thus integrate effective pricing mechanisms within its marketing framework. Communication is another critical component of the client-focused approach. Jamba Juice must have an effective communication system that streamlines the flow of product information to customers. The final component of the functional tactics for customers is convenience (Pearce, 2009). Clients should access products from Jamba Juice with relative ease in comparison to other companies.

Product-focused Functional Tactics

Implementing the business strategy for Jamba Juice requires effective functional tactics that focus upon the company’s products. Firstly, Jamba Juice should establish a comprehensive distribution mechanism for its products. The distribution framework is vital in terms of streamlining the company’s supply chain system. The target consumers should easily access the product through the firm’s distribution mechanisms (Taylor, 2010). Promotion is another vital element for the implementation of the business strategy. It encompasses communicating to the target audience about the company’s products. Through the promotional strategies, consumers are familiarized with the benefits of products from Jamba Juice.

Action Items

The action for the implementation plan is more or less connected to the functional tactics. In essence, the action items identify the various roles of employees and the company’s workforce towards implementing the business strategy of Jamba Juice. Firstly, it is vital for the company’s employees to be familiar with the necessary standards of providing the best service. This applies to the company’s entire workforce in all departments.

This action item also forms an essential component of the company’s internal marketing systems (Ferrell, 2010). In order to implement the business strategy successfully, it is essential to establish a comprehensive training plan for all employees. The training program helps employees in understanding the operational framework of the company’s business strategy. Additionally, the education program will familiarize the employees with essential logistic components such as business information systems. Informing the employees about the company’s tactics for pricing is also an essential element of the action items (Speculand, 2009). Such an approach will contribute immensely towards the competitiveness of Jamba juice.

Milestones and Deadlines

There are various milestones for the implementation plan of Jamba Juice. Most of the milestones are interdependent. This implies that some milestones can only be completed after the completion of preceding milestones. Establishment of deadlines is a critical aspect with regard to the successful completion of milestones (Pearce, 2009). The deadlines are also vital in that they help in averting unnecessary delays within the implementation framework. For Jamba Juice, the following table highlights the milestones and deadlines.

Milestone Deadline Department
Product awareness 30th November 2012 Marketing
Sales Increase 31st December 2012 Sales
Enhancement of Profits 31st January 2013 Finance
Expansion of Business Scope 28th February 2013 Planning


It is clear that different milestones will have different deadlines. The chart indicates that different departments will be responsible for different milestones. The first milestone for Jamba Juice is the enhancement of product awareness. This will be achieved through aggressive marketing strategies (Taylor, 2009). The successful attainment of brand awareness will pave the way for increased sales at Jamba Juice. Increasing annual sales is among the most fundamental objectives of the implementation plan.The deadline for this milestone is 31st December 2012. The sales department will have the responsibility of overseeing this milestone. The third milestone is the enhancement of profits. This milestone is only achievable after enhancing the sales of Jamba Juice. The finance department will oversee this milestone until 31st January 2013. Diversification is the fourth milestone. The planning department has the responsibility of overseeing this milestone.

Tasks and Task Ownership

Task and task ownership are also essential components of the implementation framework. At Jamba J8ice, different members of the workforce will have different responsibilities with regard to the implementation. All employees must participate fully in the promotion of the company’s product. This is not just a responsibility of the marketing department (Speculand, 2009). It is also essential to highlight that employees should be familiar with all the technicalities of the company’s information systems. This is a critical aspect towards streamlining the productivity of Jamba Juice.

Resource Allocation

Resource allocation is an element that a factor that influences the performance of business entities in different ways. Without having effective mechanisms for resource allocation, Jamba Juice cannot attain the various corporate goals. Resource allocation strategies have the capacity to enhance the performance of Jamba Juice in terms of revenue improvement as well as profitability. Professional competence is a vital element of resource allocation (Ferrell, 2010).The management team of Jamba Juice should have the ability to maximize the efficiency of resource allocation mechanisms. Effectiveness in resource allocation is best achieved when the company sets the right priorities. The most pressing tasks should have the first priorities. Less pressing tasks should not be prioritized. This also applies to the milestone chart for Jamba Juice. Attaining the four major milestones is only possible through effective allocation of resources. It is also essential to highlight that the resource allocation mechanism for Jamba Juice must conform to the company’s budget. This is a strategic approach that helps in mitigating unnecessary costs (Pearce, 2009).

Organizational Change Management

There are various perspectives of the change management that might help in streamlining the implementation framework of Jamba Juice’s strategy. Firstly, it is vital to align the company’s information systems with the business strategy. Information systems will help in assessing the efficacy or progress made from the business strategy. This is part of change management and helps in dealing with the various risks that face the company (Speculand, 2009).Another perspective of change management that might benefit the implementation framework is transformational leadership. This is a management approach that seeks to obtain the best from all employees. This leadership strategy would come in very handy for implementing the new strategy at Jamba Juice. Through transformational leadership, the organization’s management team would enhance the level of cooperation among all employees (Taylor, 2010). This approach would also facilitate for motivation among the employees of Jamba Juice. Motivation is an essential perspective that enhances the implementation of business strategies within an organization. Consequently, Jamba Juice would benefit immensely from transformational change.

Key Success Factors

  1. Break Even Chart

In order to obtain accurate results, the break even analysis for Jamba Juice will be performed for different items. This is because different products from Jamba Juice are available at different prices.


Fixed costs= 200

Variable cost = $20

Selling Price = $30


Apart from the break even chart, the organization’s budget is another critical perspective that serves as a success factor. Surpluses in the budget would indicate a successful implementation framework. On the other hand, a budget deficit would indicate ineffectiveness in the implementation framework of the strategy.  Based on forecasts, the revenues for Jamba Juice will increase by 5% in a year’s time. This is because of aggressive marketing tactics as well as a larger target market. This will lead to an increase of 2% in the company’s net income during the same period.

Risk Management

There are numerous risks that the company faces in the implementation framework of the strategy. Firstly, the company might focus so much on cost reduction. Although cost reduction is an essential component of the implementation plan, it might undermine the firm’s capacity to attain effectiveness.The second perspective of consideration with regard to risk factors pertains to technological changes. The competitors of Jamba Juice might benefit immensely from technological changes (Nokes, 2012). This can easily undermine the company’s ability to maximize on profits. There is also the risk of deficits occurring in the company’s budget. This has negative implications upon other operations at Jamba Juice. Some of the company’s employees might be unfamiliar with the technicalities of the implementation plan. This would undermine overall productivity of Jamba Juice.

Contingency Plan

Dealing with risks requires the establishment of an effective contingency plan. Jamba Juice must emphasize on the use of teamwork in all its operations. Teams present excellent platforms for enhancing the implementation of strategic plans in organizations. This is because teams can identify weaknesses and brainstorm about the necessary solutions. In addition to teams, the company must integrate competitive marketing strategies within its systems (Nokes, 2012). For instance, it is essential for Jamba Juice to use innovative technologies in developing its production systems. This helps in boosting the quality of products such as juices and snacks. Constant monitoring of the strategy’s effectiveness is another critical measure. The evaluations help in identifying weaknesses before they undermine the company’s performance.


The paper provides an effective framework for strategy implementation at Jamba Juice. Most customers purchase a product after comparing its cost with other similar products. Jamba Juice must thus integrate effective pricing mechanisms within its marketing framework. The distribution framework is vital in terms of streamlining the company’s supply chain system. The target consumers should easily access the product through the firm’s distribution mechanisms. It is vital for the company’s employees to be familiar with the necessary standards of providing the best service. This applies to the company’s entire workforce in all departments. This action item also forms an essential component of the company’s internal marketing systems.


Ferrell, O. C. & Hartline, M. (2010). Marketing strategy, Mason, OH: South-Western

Ireland, R. D. & Hitt, M. A. (2008). Understanding business strategy: Concepts and          cases, Mason, OH: South-Western

Nokes, S. (2012). Business continuity: A guide to risk management and continuity, New     York: Kogan Page

Pearce, J. A. & Robinson, R. B. (2009). Formulation, implementation, and control of         competitive strategy, NY: McGraw-Hill

Speculand, R. (2009). Beyond strategy, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons

Taylor, M. H. (2010). Accelerating business, Bloomington, IN: iUniverse

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