Jerry Brown: California Governor Case Study

Jerry Brown is an American politician who now works as the attorney general for CaliforniaState. He served as the California governor between 1975 and 1983 and then as a mayor of Oakland in 1999-2007

Jerry Brown has the strongest record of any of the five most recent California governors when it comes to creating jobs as a percentage of national job growth. Michael Bernick, a San Francisco lawyer who ran the jobs agency under former governor Gray Davis notes that 1.9 million net gain jobs during Brown’s two terms accounted for 17.3% of the nationwide gain in jobs for the same period (Million More Voters 2010)

In 1982 under Brown, unemployment rate in California was rated virtually the same as the nationwide rate during recession but it is now 2.8% higher than the countrywide rate since non-farm payroll jobs decreased by 33000 according to a data released by California Employment Development Department from two separate surveys.

Jerry Brown while he was a mayor, he hawked the city as a destination for new businesses and developments. He quickly conducted house cleaning at City Hall producing more business friendly environment. According to Contra Costa times, it was a pro-business policy that reigned and 1billion of investments poured in as major attractions such as Jack London Square and Fox Theatre gained needed refurbishing and expansion (Million More Voters 2010).

He used his influence and political savvy and established relationships with business leaders to lure investors at the height of the boom. Brown moved the Maze of bureaucratic hurdles and environmental regulations quicker than any of the predecessors. The Contra Costa Times states that people left towns in 1998 but it is now important to get people coming back.


Million More Voters (2010). Brown vs. Whitman: Record on Jobs
Date retrieved 22nd Oct 2010

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