Journalism Educator: Communicating Racism

Pierson, R et al (1992). Developing a multicultural Mass Communication course.

           The article analyzes why it is important to cultivate the spirit of multi cultural diversity in the curriculum of undergraduates. Other cultural perspectives other than the western view should be included in the curriculum to prevent polarization of the academic fraternity on grounds of multiculturalism. Universities and colleges are however faced with the task of determining which multiculturalism concept is politically correct and which one is mandated academically(Pierson, 1992). The issue of multiculturalism focuses on the issues of gender, race and the diverse cultures in the society. The study focuses on achieving the goal of establishing multicultural and gender aspects in the study of mass communications. Focus also shifted to determining a concrete definition of the term multiculturalism.

The methodology involved the use of excerpts from a book on culture that was used by teaching assistant on students. The excerpt contained varying definitions of culture. The students after the lecture lessons were to write their perception on the topic of culture and share the information with their classmates. The writing of research projects to determine the students’ incorporation of ideologies of culture, gender and race (Pierson, 1992). The research topics focused on a study on the communication within the campus set up, other involved a study on the campus newspaper and radio station with reference to content. Data was then collected using methods such as public opinion, analysis of content as well as experiments.

The study elicited some reactions as those opposed to the study were not willing to participate. This was especially among the white students who took a zero sum perception stand. Colored students on the other hand protested that focusing on issues of race and culture makes them to be the focus of attention causing a further division into the black/white revision (Pierson, 1992). From the study it was found out that the zero sum response by most of students destabilizes the learning environment for both the students of color and the whites. Efforts should therefore be made to mitigate such tendencies in campuses.

Rutty, J. (1997). The nature of philosophy of science, theory and knowledge relating to nursing and professionalism. Journal of Advanced Nursing 28(2).

The journal seeks to determine the interrelationship between philosophy, theory and knowledge and its application in nursing as a profession. The three aspects are equally of value to professionalism and it is therefore important that nurses apply them in the course of their duties(Rutty, 1997). The concept of professionalism and professionalization has been over emphasized in the nursing profession especially in the Western countries. The journal aims at answering the question is nursing a woman’s occupation that is found in the man’s world?

To determine how the three aspects rely on each other in the nursing profession, they were qualitative method of data collected among the nurses was used. Qualitative methods include use of questionnaires, interviews and observation. It was found that the shift to professionalism on the nursing sector is taking place though at a gradual pace. This is so because there is a scarcity of identifiable knowledge base with regards to the education system of the nurses (Rutty, 1997). Professionalism is also hindered by the fact that they so continued disunity among the nursing professionals and a distinct lack of organization nursing services.

It is important therefore that nurses are given an opportunity to grow in terms of academic nourishment as well as practice. To achieve professionalism a solid knowledge based is required for all the nurses so that they are effective in nursing services provision. It is up to the nurses to demonstrate determination to make the nursing career more professional by achieving the important transformations that will ensure that the profession achieves it professionalism (Rutty, 1997). This is possible by the nurses establishing some long term goals in which they will base their knowledge in terms of philosophy, ethics and logic.

Ervin, N. (2004). 101 ways to improve the nursing culture: Professionalism. MNA Congress on Nursing

Professionalism in nursing refers to the dress code of the curses and their general conducted while at the workplace. It also involves the relations between one nurse and another. Nursing is a profession that involves interaction with other individuals who are in need of the services. It is therefore important that they demonstrate high levels of integrity in knowledge and presentation at the workplace. Nurses have a code of ethics with which they use to gauge the nursing values as well as upholding the integrity of the nursing profession.

To evaluate the conduct and professionalism the nurses are gauged as per the nurse’s code of ethics. To be professional there are several ways that the nurses can apply to ensure that the culture is still upheld. Uphold nursing to ensure that proper quality of care they provide to the patient is upheld(Ervin, 2004). Using the code the nurses can also be able to determine when to keep separate professional and personal problems. Nurses should always also maintain a positive image of their professional so that the society can also have a positive attitude towards their profession.

The nurses should also be a model of their work ethics. This will be evident from their participation and offering of medical services to patients that visit their health care institutions. The nurse should also be a peace maker intervening in situation before they get out of hand (Ervin, 2004). The ability to problem solves and come up with solutions fast is a skill that demonstrates professionalism.

This article critically analyses the nursing profession indicating how the nurse can uphold professionalism of her/his job no only in taking care of the patients but also by being responsible all round in her social life and the way he/she conducts herself in public.

Bertrand M. (2010). Differing functions of deracialized speech: the use of place names to index race in focus groups with African American and white parents. Text and talk

The article focuses on the new form of racism which is used by speakers of different races while talking of other races. This new form of racism is known as discursive deracialization. The new manner of speech is used as a defensive measure to the speaker while talking of issues that may otherwise be referred as racist in the US.

Methods to collect data involved analysis of previously done study on three focus groups on video footage (Bertrand, 2010). The focus group comprised of 10 black women, 10 black men and 9 white fathers. Conversations about other races were analyzed to determine the manner and degree of racism in their speech.

Among the white men and women the topic of race rarely occurred and if it did it happened in obscurity using discursive deracialization. The African American women used indexes of pace names to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the level of education. Once in a while they made direct references on race and racial inequality.

It was found out that both groups were consciously aware about racial issues and therefore preferred to use discourse that seemingly is subtle on matter of racism. The white used such word to prevent being labeled as racist and advance racial sensitive matters in an acceptable way (Bertrand, 2010). The discourse was also used to demonstrate the disparity between races. Further studies into the use of deracialized speech are however needed to further verify the findings of the study. However, it has been found that deracialized speech can however be effectively used to discourse racially sensitive issues without actually appearing to be a racist supporting a specific race.

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