Left versus right brain and the impacts learning
Left versus right brain and the impacts learning
Human brain has two hemispheres with different function and each has an impact in human learning.
The left hemisphere
The element of human linear reasoning and language is performed by the left hemisphere. This means that it is the part of the brain responsible for things as grammar and vocabulary (Kalat, 2009). With linear reasoning, this simply gives an added advantage of numerical computation to the persons with the left brain part being dominant (angelfire, 2011). The difference in students’ ability to solve mathematical calculations is visible as students with dominant left hemisphere are associated with accurate and precise calculations when it comes to solving calculation issues (Paradiso, Bears & Connors, 2007). When it comes to numerical comparisons, and estimations, such students are also observed to have a higher hand in accuracy and exactness.In addition, where the left brain hemisphere is dominant, the student is characterized by better memory and retrieval of direct facts (angelfire, 2011).This means even in exams and tests based on curriculum, such people are in a better position to pass as they can fully and clearly understand instructions as well as retrieve what they have learnt easily and accurately (Paradiso, Bears & Connors, 2007). Talking of accurate calculations and estimates means better reasoning and number skills. Most of the time, such persons are good logical or sequential thinkers full of rationality.
In discussions or argumentative expressions, these persons are good in persuasive skills especially when combined with their language skills. In terms of language, these persons are better off in the use of vocabularies and with the use of grammar (Beals, 2009). They are usually fluent and are good in speeches forming most of the eloquent speakers (Paradiso, Bears & Connors, 2007).People who develop dominance towards their left side of the brain have common characteristics and common areas of interest. The common characteristics include logical thinking with good analytical skills (Beals, 2009). When viewing at things, they look at parts of and try to connect them independently from each other. Since these persons are objective, their view of parts of something will eventually achieve results within a given time frame.People with left brain specialisation are usually good or like things like classical music, prefer verbal instructions, good in mathematics, like to read, they usually remember things that were learnt from specific studies, like to write non fiction, like quiet places especially when studying, during counselling, such individuals like to individual counselling sessions, almost never absent minded, like to narrating stories and poor in acting them out, good in algebra, very skilled in relaying ideas sequentially, and like to be organized among others (Paradiso, Bears & Connors, 2007). Some occupation include librarian, banker, judge, lawyers, bacteriologist among othersPoor arithmetic skill in involving mental capacity, poor numerical manipulation, and limited understanding or application of concepts in mathematics occurs when the left brain hemisphere is damaged (angelfire, 2011).
The right hemisphere
The right hemisphere of the brain is associated with being creative and imaginative. Individuals with dominant right brain are good in prosodic language functions. Such functions include intonation, and emphasis (Kalat, 2009). Other functions of the right hemisphere are the visual, manipulation of space, and audiological stimuli. A person’s awareness and ability to perform in arts and to perceive facial expressions are also functions of the right hemisphere (Kalat, 2009).For persons with right brain hemisphere dominance, their numerical calculations are usually approximations of estimates (angelfire, 2011). In the exams or assessment tests, such students do not have exact answers instead; they provide estimates or approximate answers. This is mostly a problem and it may cost them lots of marks in case exact answers are being sort for (Paradiso, Bears & Connors, 2007). It is a problem for such students to extract direct facts on what they have learnt. This is because their reasoning is random and intuitive which makes them follow instance thoughts compared to the left brain dominant persons who have logical and rational thinking.Due to their spatial manipulations, such persons are good in analysing three dimensional forms and volumes. This means that in class, such persons prefer instructions that are visual and those with examples for them to view the form as a whole. Subjectivity is their form of thinking (Paradiso, Bears & Connors, 2007). They value their views, desires, feelings, inventions, and beliefs as compared to those from and objective perspective and score best in practices requiring personal opinions and perspectives. In arguments and discussions, they value their standpoints and are willing to defend it at all cost.During analysis and evaluation of a given concept, the right hemisphere dominant persons look at thing as wholes and not parts.
These holistic syntheses of objects contribute to their visual and auditory perceptions (Paradiso, Bears & Connors, 2007). It is also a contributing factor in the ability to view facial perceptions. In language, individuals with right hemisphere dominance are practical, with inclination to tones and emphasis. This factor makes such persons to possess strong musical and art awareness. Compared to the left brain dominance persons, the right brain dominance individuals are not as good in numbers and in memory for facts (Beals, 2009). This however should not be taken to imply such persons are dumper because they also have strengths in some areas and hold occupations that are equally good.Right hemisphere dominant persons are good in sports, arts and music can read in the presence of noise like music or TV, often go absent minded, are good actors than narrators (Paradiso, Bears & Connors, 2007). In recalling spatial images, they are the best, though they are unpredictable and spontaneous, they are good philosophers and dreamers. When it comes to reading, they look for main ideas while using free exploration style of reading to show relationship between ideas. Some occupations include athletes, beautician, politician, artist, actor and actresses among others. The hyperactivity of the right hemisphere makes such persons vulnerable to depressions due to assorted processing of negative images.
Impacts in learning
Due to the outlined functions of the left and right brain, it is only proper for the curriculum to accommodate both types of students (Funderstanding, 2011). However, most schools prefer left-minded students to right minded ones due to their focus on logical thinking, vocabulary and analysis. The right-minded student on the other hand focuses on feelings, aesthetics and creativity. The school curriculum therefore needs to strike a balance between arts, creativity, and synthesis and imaginations skills.
When providing instructions, the tutors should promote a whole-brained scholastic experience with instructions assured to connect to both sides of the brain. For instance, use of patterns and metaphors combined with visuals should be incorporated in classroom learning (Funderstanding, 2011). This is to ensure that calculations, reading and analysis classroom activities are properly blend to cater for all students. During assessments as well, the right brained students should be considered for their talents and skills to ensure they are not left out (Funderstanding, 2011).
Angelfire, (2011). Brain. Retrieved from http://www.angelfire.com/wi/2brains/.
Beals, K., (2009). Raising a left-brain child. Shambhala Publishers. CA.
Funderstanding, (2011). Right vs. left Brain. Retrieved on 24-06-2011 from http://www.funderstanding.com/v2/educators/right-brain-vs-left-brain/. Last updated 2011. P. 440
Kalat, J., (2009). Psychology. Cengage Learning. Belmont: CA.
Paradiso, M., Bear, M., & Connors, B., (2007). Neuroscience. Hearthside Publishing, Services. Philadelphia: PA. P 630
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