Man of Honor

Name of Film: Man of honor

Era film trying to portray: Racism

Ethnic group: African – American

$11.      CHARACTERS:

Who were the main characters? Carl Brashear, Mr. Pappy and Billy Sunday

Describe each main character’s role?  Brashear is the first African – America to be a master driver of the U.S navy. Pappy is the commanding officer. Billy Sunday, the master chief is Brashear’s diving trainer Did you notice any stereotypical portrayals of the group being examined?If so what were they? The movie has a lot of incident since it shows the inner lives of the characters. the group does not show a liking of Brashear. For example Pappy asks the master chief not to sabotage the chances of Brashear succeeding the trainingIndicate whether you think that they are positive or negative stereotypes and why you think so. In the movie, there is positive stereotype except in the last part after Billy Sunday sees light. This part does not have a villain that is convincing.What values, attitudes, beliefs did the characters exhibit? Brashear exhibits a character of determination while Pappy and Sunday are racists who do not want to see him through.

$12.                  STORY LINE:

 Briefly what was the plot of the movie? The movie is about the African – American who becomes the first master diver. Though, he is faced by many challenges of racism even from the fellow navy men who do not want to bunk with him. His award is given to a white diver and Pappy orders Sunday to ensure that chances of Brashear succeeding are sabotaged something that Sunday complies to happilyWhat were the problems? The great problem here is that of racismHow were they resolved? Finally, the movie shows reconciliation which can be seen as solving the problem of racism. For instance, the morals of Sunday are shown since he becomes a supporter of Brashear.

$13.                  EVALUATION/IMPRESSIONS

After viewing the film, what comes to mind when you think of the group being portrayed? A group that can be seen as humiliating for example the U.S navy can also be a test of tolerance as well as growing freedom.What surprised or angered you? Why? Being an African – American, Brashear suffered a lot of humiliation but from his tolerance, and he managed to achieve greatly Did any part of the film hurt or offend you? What and why? Mistreatment because of ones race.Is this film helpful in diffusing stereotypes? Why or why not? Most of the movie shows stereotyping and thus can be used in diffusing stereotypes since it shows the inner lives of the characters which relate to racism.Any objections to the film?  What and why? The film has a good plot and thus no objections.


Did your perceptions of this culture change after this film? The film shows that despite ones race, they can be able to perform better even more than those who may consider them as a minority. Thus, people should be judged based on their abilities but not race.

 Name of Film: A time to kill

Era film trying to portray: Brutality

Ethnic group: Black people


Who were the main characters? Carl lee Hailey, Jake Brigance, Lucien Wilbanks, Harry Rex, Ellen Roark.

Describe each main character’s role? Carl lee Hailey, the father who avenges the rape of his 10 year old daughter through shooting of the men who commit the brutal act. Jake Brigance who Lee looks up to defend him in the court. Lucien Wilbanks, Harry Rex, and Ellen Roark help Jake in fighting for Hailey. Did you notice any stereotypical portrayals of the group being examined?If so what were they? The film shows stereotypical portrayals of black people. Hailey asks his attorney Jake if he would see him as the others do, i.e. as a black but Jake doesn’t give an ultimate answer.Indicate whether you think that they are positive or negative stereotypes and why you think so. I think these are positive stereotypes since they demonstrate how blacks are made to feel.What values, attitudes, beliefs did the characters exhibit? As the father, Hailey shows both love and short temperedness. Though he cats out of anger, it demonstrates his love for his daughter. Despite the fact that they view Hailey as just a black, Jake and his friends are willing to help and thus showing that even those viewed as minorities have a right to defense.


Briefly what was the plot of the movie? Hailey’s 10 year old daughter is raped and beaten by two men. When they are taken to court, Hailey shoots them in front of the courthouse. This then becomes the beginning of his problems since he is accused of double murder. He then chooses Jake, a white lawyer to be his attorney. This then raises the question of whether Hailey would be fairly tried by a white judge and it’s the same question he asks Jake what it would take to set him free. From the film, this question is shied away from and hence no definite answer is given.What were the problems? The problem is whether being black, Hailey would be represented well and given a fair trial.How were they resolved? Jake, a white lawyer agrees to help him. Hailey chooses Jake simply because he is white.


After viewing the film, what comes to mind when you think of the group being portrayed? The film displays racial stereotypes. When Hailey murders the rapists, there are assumptions that there would be innocence in a white in the position of Hailey. However, I believe that following the justice system, Hailey does not find different treatment due to being black. What surprised or angered you? Why? At some point, the film seems unrealistic. This is the way in which the Ku Klux Klan are displayed to act with could operate with obvious  ignorance of the law, something which is difficult to believe.Did any part of the film hurt or offend you? What and why? I believe that no one is supposed to take the law in their own hands and thus the taking of Hailey to the court is not offensive.Is this film helpful in diffusing stereotypes? Why or why not? The film is helpful. Being white Jake represents Hailey thus showing that despite their different races, people can coexist well and in a friendly way.Any objections to the film?  What and why? The film is close to being faultless. It has a good plot and is as well entertaining.


Did your perceptions of this culture change after this film? From the film, I can conclude that the blacks have a feeling of inferiority. That is why Hailey believes that Jake can help him because, being white, the judge would listen to him. When he asks Jake if he would see him as the others do, it shows that he has a feeling of being looked down upon.

Name of Film: Remember the titans

Era film trying to portray: Racism in American sports

Ethnic group: White and black schools


Who were the main characters? Herman Boone, Yoast and team players.Describe each main character’s role? Herman Boone is the head coach of the Titans while Yoast is his assistant and predecessor.  Did you notice any stereotypical portrayals of the group being examined?If so what were they? The two coaches are shown as rivaling on one another but later, the players mirror them and thus they display trust and loyalty to each other.Indicate whether you think that they are positive or negative stereotypes and why you think so. These are positive stereotypes since in the era of racism, people of different races can not fail to conflict.What values, attitudes, beliefs did the characters exhibit? The two coaches are understanding since they later unite and work together. The players too, though at first they do not show oneness, the film later becomes one about friendship


Briefly what was the plot of the movie? The story is of Boone, the black coach hired as a replacement for Yoast, a white coach. The white players rival and boycott the play thus leaving Boone with black players only. This does not however create fear in Boone and he takes the black players as a complete team. Eventually, the white players decide that they can unite and work together. Back in the camp, Boone gives instructions that they should play together, speak to each other or leave the team.What were the problems? The white players felt that they were not supposed to be led by a black coach and play together with the black players.How were they resolved? Instructions as well as physical punishments, through which Boone manages to put the teams together.


After viewing the film, what comes to mind when you think of the group being portrayed? Remember the titans is an emotional film.

 What surprised or angered you? Why? Despite the rivalry, it is surprising how the film becomes about the heart, human spirit and doing what is right. For example, the black player visiting his previous white rival in hospital.

Did any part of the film hurt or offend you? What and why? Particularly, the painful scene is when black patrons are not served in restaurants. Whether black or white, they all have made achievements and thus should be treated well.

Is this film helpful in diffusing stereotypes? Why or why not? To diffuse stereotypes, the film displays spectacular characters. For instance, Boone always revolves around good performance but it is surprising how Yoast steals the film. Yoast has been shown as humble, nonresistant, and friendly. However, here he is forced to decide on being the good person or taking sides with the white players.

Any objections to the film?  What and why? No objections


Did your perceptions of this culture change after this film? Yes

If so, in what way? Despite all this, there is success for the Titans. Though they have different skin colors, they eventually get over that and together with their coaches, unite and face the world of sport. Other than racism, the movie is about sport. It thus creates the culture of the happiness that comes with watching a team win.


Schumacher, J. (director), (1996), a time to kill (motion pictures). Warner Brothers.

Tillman, G. (director). (2000). Man of honor (motion pictures). Robert Teitel and Bill Badalato.

Yakin, B. (director), (2000). Remember the titans (motion pictures). Walt Disney Pictures/Jerry Bruckheimer Films.

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